Chapter Osm

23 5 0

July 8th, 2017


The sound of my cell phone woke me from my slumber. I thought it best to get some shut eye before he comes back. God what time is it? Only five, damnit! I swear if this is the commissioner, that's going to ruin my day. I answered it, reluctantly I might add. I was still very much sleepy and tired. "Detective Ma-"

"Max! It's me Lindsey."

"Lindsey? I hope this isn't a social call?" My heart rate peaked once more, my entire body began to shake with anticipation. What was she going to say, what news does she have?

"No I wanted to see if you were free tonight. Of course it isn't a social call, you idiot! It's Hank, he's here, at McDonald's!" This could be my only chance to catch him and now Lindsey's life is in danger if he's seen her. He'll want to kill her, no doubt!

"Has he seen you?"

"Yes, I took his order." Great, this is peachy. As long as she is seen by witnesses, Hank won't touch her, but he'll try something eventually.

"Okay, um... Are you still there?"

"Yes, but Hank left not too long ago. He just shoved the nuggets in his pocket and went of with his shake." What a weirdo.

"Okay, what time does you shift end?"

"A few minutes, I get off at five thirty."

"Listen closely Lindsey; you are in danger, if he's seen you, you are a target and will kill you when you are alone and out of sight. Don't leave McDonalds! Wait for me and I'll have a plan."

"Max, if he sees you coming he'll run off and I'll be, the next one on his hit list... Get here at the exact time, I'm leaving... That way you'll get him." Wow, she would make for a pretty decent cop. Her ability to devise a plan is nothing short of astonishing, it's either natural or a lot of video games. Either way it is remarkable! Maybe if we both live to see the end of this, I'll offer her a job and put in a good word.

"O-okay... That's actually a um, really good plan."

"You always did hate it when I outsmarted you." Her voice turned playful and teasing. Not the time.

"Not now, I'll be over soon. Say, five to ten minute drive depending on traffic lights and drivers."

"I'll leave in eight minutes, that should give you enough time... And um, Max, don't let me die."

"I won't." I bashed the button on phone and threw it in the passenger seat of my car. I flicked the key sideways with enough force to break it. This might be my only chance, I've got catch him, I've got to! "I'm coming for you, Keegan!"


Being stuck behind a granny is Volvo was bad enough, but hitting almost every red light wasn't helping at all in any way, shape or form! I hate not being in a police vehicle, I could just flash my lights and drive like a bat outta hell! I should've brought my portable light, but that would've defeated the purpose of undercover. Not just from Hank, but from the commissioner and every other cop in the county.

I was taking a big gamble bringing Lindsey into this, I don't know what I'd do if he killed her... It would be on my hands, my responsibility. She said she would leave in eight minutes, that was ten minute ago... Fuck, I hope I'm not too late!

Double parking in front of the McDonalds, I rushed in to search for Lindsey. No sign of her in here, we should've discussed where she would leave if not the front door. "Hey! Where's Lindsey?" I yelled at the man who was cleaning the counter top with a wet rag. "She left a few minutes ago."

"Which door!?" He pointed to the door near the bathrooms and I wasted to time at all. Running out of the door to the grim looking alleyway and I saw nothing, but garbage bins. Pulling my gun out I began to look around every dumpster, every crevice.

"Don't make another move." A familiar, sickening voice rang out.

"Hank, fucking, Keegan." I raised my gun up towards him, noticing that he had Lindsey in a headlock. "Let her go, you don't want to hurt her."

"Oh but I do." Hank sneered. "I want to, very badly. But not as badly as I want to hurt you. So if she dies, she's the last person from our past that ever hurt you and I. She's had this coming for a long time."

"So... How's this gonna go, if you kill her, there's no reason for me not shooting you. Way I see it? Pull that trigger, I pull mine." Wasn't the best plan, on the spot thinking. My heart is going a mile a minute and looking for any way out.

"You see Sandoval, my trigger finger is a little...itchy." Hank droned on, gripping Lindsey tighter. "So how about this--" Hitting her over the head with the end of his pistol, her body fell, unconscious on the concrete. His attention and his gun, were all on me.

"What's your game, Keegan?" I got about a fifty-fifty chance here, but what about Lindsey? She could have a concussion, if I wait any longer, it could be serious.

"We both know blunt force trauma doesn't end well if not taken care of." Hank continued. "She could be dead right now and we wouldn't even know. So here's what I'm proposing, a new deal." Hank put a foot on top of Lindsey's back. "We both part ways, you take her, and I leave with my freedom. Sound fair?"

"Freedom? What is freedom to you, exactly? Running from the police, living off of five dollar meals and gas station sushi... Fuck it, I'll take your deal and I'll take my leave, as long as you take yours." This was a gamble, he could move out of the shopping center tonight and I'd be in the hospital... I could lose all leads, lose him forever; it's my only option, I can't let another innocent die, especially one I know!

"That is none of your concern. Freedom is what someone makes of it." Hank glared at me through his bloodshot, green eyes.

"Go then! Go!" I yelled at him as I inched closer to Lindsey's body. He turned in a flash and crept back in the shadows. "Lindsey! Lindsey!"


I was forced to stay in the Waiting Room of the hospital, they couldn't confirm if I was friend... Of course they called the Police Department, the commissioner was on his way here, personally. I'd be lucky if I got a suspension, most realistic would be fired from the force and unlucky would be arrested... No matter what, this isn't going to end well.

Speak of devil, oh boy. Standing up from an uncomfortable wooden seat to face my superior. "Max Sandoval, you snot-nosed son of a bitch, what the hell do you think you were doing!" Shit.

"Commissioner, I know this is bad, but I-"

"I don't want another word out of you, unless I say otherwise! I'll come up with a proper punishment later, but for now you are suspended! Not only did you disobey my orders, you got an innocent civilian injured... That is on you, live with that!"

"Commissioner, I-"

"No! Do you have anything you can give me on that murderer, we'll get another detective who is capable to do it... Consider this a favor, Sandoval!" I could tell him, he could have many officers flood the place, maybe even S.W.A.T. That being said, I wouldn't get to see Hank's face when I cuff him, or put him the back of a squad car.

"No... I lost my lead at McDonalds."

"So be it... I'll call you tomorrow, but I gotta run and I mean it Max, do not go after him!"

"Yes sir!" No sir.

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