Chapter Desyat

21 5 0

July 8th, 2017


I couldn't get my car started fast enough, I need to catch him before he leaves town or finds some place new. It's the only way I could ever finish this, the cops wouldn't get there in time. It needs to be me, I need to be the one who finishes this!

Throwing my car's automatic gear stick into drive and stomping on the gas pedal, made the tires squeal and spin in the most beautiful way. A puff of smoke and tire marks were all that was left in the hospital parking lot. Hands on the wheel, gripped tight like a snake and it's pray! I could already feel the sweat dripping from my forehead, and my heart pounding out of my chest.

I ran every red light, every stop sign, I cut people off and I was going at least over 70 miles per hour. There is no way in the holy hell, I am letting this no good murdering, physco, scoundrel get away with one more murder!

The LOOP was in sight and along with that, was the shopping center. That's where he is, I know it. It's the only place he could be and what a perfect place for a reunion. There is one thing, that is inescapable Hank... No matter how this goes down, you are going to lose.

Jerking the steering wheel with a quick tap of the gas, I drove up on the sidewalk to get as close as I could. Turning my car off, threw the keys in the passenger seat, grabbed my gun and ran to the fenced area. I didn't bother looking for a point of entry, I climbed the wire fence with as much ferocity as a lion. The dilapidated building made my heart sank, but that won't- Fuck I fell.

Picking myself up off the ground, dusted myself off and then continued to sprint. The main door to the shopping center had not a speck of dust on it, Hank. The door was quiet, which was perfect for me. I slid myself through the door and shut silently. The smell of dust, paint and old sushi had filled my nostrils. I took my flashlight out of my pocket and held it underneath my right wrist.

As I continued to silently scour the building of any signs of life, I found something even worse. Weird graffiti that seemed eerily familiar, was this all Hank's? The farther I went up the stairs, the more I found.

The sound of some sort of can hit the floor, it came from higher up. My pace increased while I attempted to step softly. He can't know I'm here, not yet! I need to get closer! Crunch! Ah, broken glass, wonderful! The noise from upstairs stopped and I readied myself for whatever could happen.

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