Meeting Harry Potter

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"Here's our stop." Hagrid says as he descends towards an island with a hut on, in the middle of a currently very stormy sea. "They really don't want him to go do they?" I say slightly amused that they went to these lengths to avoid Hogwarts.

Entering rather more noisily than intended Hagrid had promptly woken up all of the Dursley family. "Sorry 'bout that." He says hurrying me in and the lifting the door up off the floor and placing it back in its frame. Not wanting to intrude I stood back and watched quietly. "I demand you leave at once! You are breaking and entering." Shouts Vernon Dursley holding a gun. Hagrid stomps over to them, "Dry up Dursley you great prune." I couldn't help it and gave a small laugh. Turning away from the Vernon and Petunia he heads towards their beefy son Dudley. "Well I haven't seen you since you were a baby Harry, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected particularly round the middle."
"I'm not Harry" Dudley replies goofily.
"I am." and a rather plain looking boy with black hair and glasses steps out from a corner.
"Well of course you are-" Hagrid goes to continue but instead beckons me over, slightly confused I obey. "I've got something for you both I'm afraid i might have sat on it at some point but it should taste fine all the same." He handed us a box and within it was a cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Harry and Bella."
"Thank you." We replied.

Hagrid sits down on the old tattered sofa and uses his umbrella to start up the fire. Harry looks at it in wonder. Placing the cake down on the arm of the sofa he approaches Hagrid. "Excuse me but who are you?"
"Rubeus Hagrid Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts and my small accomplice Bella," I give a small wave and Harry smiles,"Of course you'll know all about Hogwarts"
"Sorry no."
"No? Blimey, Harry, didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?" Hagrid was quite obviously shocked by this.
"Learnt what?"
"You're a wizard, Harry." Hagrid says in a matter of fact way.  "I-I'm a what?" Harry says astounded and taken a back.
"A wizard." I repeated Hagrids' words. "And a thumping good one at that, I'd wager. Once you train up a little." Hagrid said.
"No, you've made a mistake. I can't be...a-a wizard. I mean, I'm just... Harry. Just Harry."
"Well, Just Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared?" Hagrid retorts. Realisation suddenly dawns on Harry's face. 

Hagrid hands Harry the same letter that they have been trying to get to him but been blocked in one way or another by the Dursley's. He opens it and reads it aloud. "Dear, Mr. Potter. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"
Vernon cutting in sharply, "Hell not be going! We swore when we took him in wed put an end to this rubbish!"
"You knew?? You knew all along and you never told me?"

Petunia starts to lose her patients "Of course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak! And then she met that Potter, and then she had you, and I knew you'd be just the same, just as strange, just as ... abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up! And we got landed with you." I felt so bad for Harry staying with his Aunt and Uncle yet never being told anything about who he is and who his parents were. I hoped he wanted to be friends as I also don't know anything about who or what I am and also not knowing anything about my parents either only my mother's name because I am named after her.

"Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash!" I felt this was hard for Harry to hear so walked forward to stand next to him.

Hagrid was clearly furious that anyone would not tell the truth about Harry's parents death as it must be very important. "A car crash? A car crash kill James and Lily Potter? It's an outrage! It's a scandal!"
Vernon retorts kind of sarcastically, "He'll not be going!" Hagrid replies mockingly. "Oh, and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself's going to stop him, are you?"
"Muggle?" Harry questioned. "Muggles, I only found out tonight." I answer.
Hagrid clearly on a roll and not prepared to lose, "This boy's had his name down ever since he was born! He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and he'll be under the greatest headmaster Hogwarts' has ever seen: Albus Dumbledore."
"Indeed" I say clutching the bag in which is the toy that i now know he conjured up for me.
"I will not pay for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic tricks!" Vernon declares.
"Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me." Hagrid says deadly serious. Noticing that Dudley is eating mine and Harry's cake Hagrid flicks his umbrella in Dudley's direction and a grey piggy tail grows. Dudley screams and him and his parents leave the room and head up stairs. Harry and I laugh. Hagrid stands proudly with a smug look on his face and then turns to the children, "Oh, um, I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking, I'm not allowed to do magic."
"Course" I say and Harry nods his head. Hagrid checks the time and his eyes widen, "Ooh, we're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course. Hmm?" Bella and Harry follow him out.

Author's notes:

Sorry this has so much speech in it i just wanted to get through it this part isn't overly important for Bella's story. I've now tried third person and first person please let me know which is better.

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