First Night

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After we had finished dinner, Dumbledore called out for prefects to lead us first years to the dormitory's, one of the only places I hadn't explored in the month I spent at Hogwarts before school started. Percy, Ron's brother, lead us rather quickly, for our little legs, up the staircases until we reached a painting known as the 'Fat Lady'. "Caput Draconis." He pronounced proudly, you could really tell he was pleased as punch to be a prefect. The door opened and we all followed him into Gryffindor Common Room.

Everyone felt instantly at home as it was a rather cosy place hung with red and gold (the house colours.) We had already found our spot in the common room a little snug in the corner with an armchair and a low seat with cushions. Ron was begin to tell us all about magic filling in the gaps in mine and Harry's knowledge when, the entire common room went quiet. "Sorry to interrupt but I have a message for Bellatrix, is she here?" Professor McGonagall enquires whilst her eyes are searching the crowd for me. "I'm here." I say and get up and follow her out of the common room.

"Is everything ok Professor?"
"Dumbledore would like to see you in his office about a complaint a student has made." I suddenly realised, Draco! The absolute snake. I follow McGonagall silently and she says the password, climbs the short staircase and knocks. "Come in." Dumbledore's voice clearly stated. "In you go dear." She encouraged.

"Bella, Mr Malfoy here claims that you hit him is this true." Malfoy turns to me and I have to stop myself from laughing when I see his black eye. "Yes sir. However I would like you to understand the context surrounding the situation." I say poshly. Draco rolls his eyes and blurts, "Can we get on with it. She hit me in an unprovoked attack. She should be told off and that's that!" Dumbledore choses to ignore Draco. "Tell us what happened."

"Well sir, Professor McGonagall had left into the Great Hall and it was quiet but then Draco just had to be the attention seeking little brat that he is and announce to everyone that Harry and I are here." Draco and Snape look mad at me but I push on. "He saunters over and introduces himself at which me and Ron laughed a little. Then he starts bringing wealth into it and flaunting it in Ron's face. That is when he went too far. I told him that Ron was richer than him in the more important ways than money and I had no intention of hitting him until he called Ron and his family blood-traitors. I'm sorry sir but some people need to get there ideas together and on top of all that it turns out this horrible kid is my cousin!"

"I object it simply isn't true." Malfoy's pathetic little voice sounds. Dumbledore looks at us both in turn and smiles. "I will send Mr Filch to bring Mr Weasley here-" Draco looks panicked and cuts in, "That really is unnecessary sir." Professor Snape looks unsurprised at Draco. "Mr Malfoy follow me please." He starts to head towards the door. "Where are we going?" Draco asks looking as dumb as he sounds. "Out!" The Professor answers and swiftly leaves clearly embarrassed by Draco.

"I understand why you did it. However next time try to ignore him, he is not worth you getting in trouble over. Understand." Dumbledore politely lectures. "Yes sir, but you need to understand Harry and Ron are the only friends I've ever had and I will do anything to help them whether it be from harm or from people like Malfoy." I say triumphantly. "I know Bella, just be careful. I'll show you back to the common room."

We walk through the corridors in silence until he gives a smile and says. "You're a good hit though did you see that black eye." We both laughed. On arriving at the common room we both say good night and part ways.

The first years were in bed so I walked until I found a dormitory with my name on and only one other 'Hermione Granger' it read. I open the door and walk in wondering if she would be asleep. "Hello." She says. "You must be Bella I'm Hermione nice to meet you." I smile she seems so nice. "Nice to meet you too Hermione." I start unpacking and clearly curious Hermione asks, "Why were you called out? Is it about when you hit Draco?" I nodded and told her all about the conversation in Dumbledore's office and what he looked like with a black eye. I could see she was having some kind of moral battle in her head. On the one hand she was trying not to laugh and on the other she was worried about the consequences. We talked for a while and she explained that she was a muggle-born and that her parents are dentists, so it was a great surprise that she's a witch and as I didn't particularly want to talk about myself the conversation suited me fine and I found it very interesting. After that we changed and went to sleep not wanting to be overtired on our first day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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