Welcome Home

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After regrettably dropping Harry back at the Dursley's, Hagrid takes off once more headed for Hogwarts. It's a long journey from Surrey to the Highlands of Scotland and although Bella tries to stay awake and look around at the landscape bellow her as they continue to fly high above the sleeping earth she couldn't and with a struggle succumbed to sleep.

When she awoke the motorbike was starting its descent and all of a sudden from behind some clouds appears a magnificent castle. "Welcome to Hogwarts." Hagrid introduces smiling at the gobsmacked expression on her face. "It's wonderful." She replies not taking her eyes off it for a moment.

They land and Hagrid leads her through the entrance and the maze of corridors until they reach what seems to be a golden statue of an eagle. Hagrid goes closer to it whispering something inaudible, unexpectedly to Bella it starts to rotate revealing a staircase and Bella steps back. Hagrid beckons her forward and she obeys following him quietly up the short spiral staircase until they come to a door.

Hagrid knocks and without waiting for a reply he decisively opens the door entering the room which Bella doesn't look in. Having not been told to enter and with her past experiences still as vividly in her mind as when they happened she waits, hiding behind the oak door.

"Professors," Hagrid announces, "I have brought Bellatrix back with me." Outside the door Bella flinched with her new found knowledge of who and what her parents are. "Well, where is she?" A monotone voice states. Hagrid turns around having expected Bella to follow him into the office. "Bella come on." He smiles turning to the door and beckoning her in. With approval she now enters the room rather small and thin for her age the other three adults exchange glances. They turn to look at her, although it is more of a stare as they seem to be working out what happened to make such a bubbly baby so reserved and quiet. But this stare was kinder than the ones she received earlier that day in the Leaky Cauldron.

So more confidently now she advances her trust in them fully and smiles as she nears the desk at which the other man from her memory sat while still keeping her head down. The one who gave her, her only proper possession, one she was never without even now she had it still in the small bag she first put it in the night Hagrid rescued her and standing one side Minerva the kind yet stern looking lady. However on the other side was someone she didn't recognise he looks quite creepy dressed in black with shoulder length black hair and eyes to match.

"Hello Professors." She bows her head a little out of respect. After Hagrid introduces her to the creepy looking one called Professor Snape the Potions master. Dumbledore smiles, "Hello Bella, the last time I saw you was when you were a baby."
"I remember sir, it is my earliest memory. The three of you were so good to me." He looks thoughtful briefly before inviting her to sit and offering her a sherbet lemon which she accepts gratefully.

Albus goes to speak but Hagrid quickly cuts in before he can, "Professor Dumbledore, sir, she didn't know nothing until this afternoon, neither her or Harry did." Bella continues for him, "and by then we were already the only friend the other had ever had. I was lucky Harry was still willing to be my friend." After finishing she quickly looks down at the table feeling all eyes on her.

Dumbledore was in surprise at this. "Really! Who did Cornelius place her with?" He questions Hagrid on seeing Bella wasn't willing to say and has almost clamped her mouth tightly shut. Before Hagrid answers she places her hands over her ears not wishing to hear her name again. "Dolores Umbridge." Hagrid replies trying to hide the disgust in his voice but failing. Nodding Dumbledore leans forward tapping Bella on the shoulder signifying that she could remove her hands from her ears, but at this she flinches and Dumbledore notices the scars lining both of her arms and for the first time she looks up properly slightly unsure and they all notice the one that crosses her face. "My dear," McGonagall says hurrying over and placing a hand on my shoulder, "what happened?" They all turn to her expectantly awaiting an answer.

"It's her." She finally blurted out. "She would blow her whistle and her 12 cats would rush in back me into a corner then attack. I used my arms to protect my face." She pauses slightly. "Once I didn't and..." she gives a little shrug indicating the main one on her face." She quietly said the rest but didn't cry. "You are very brave, don't you ever cry?" McGonagall asks shocked at what had happened to the girl. "I don't want to give her the satisfaction." She replied fairly bluntly.

"It's my fault." Dumbledore suddenly comes out of no where with and this time his head drops a little. Bella shoots up out of her chair and goes round to the other side of the desk. "No it isn't!" she says a flare almost appearing in her eyes. With no change she picks up her bag from the chair she just came from and he looks up and they all watch her take out a small teddy she passes it to Dumbledore who holds it smiling. "You still have it."
"Of course I do. All the time I was there I hid it from her it is my only possession and something I hold with the highest regard. This teddy gave me the hope that someone would come back for me and they did. It is my lucky charm it saved me. Thank you so much for it."  She informs them all of this. "So don't you dare blame yourself, sir." She says, "You giving me this meant I could stand it all as one day I knew I would be taken away from there."

Dumbledore was in  shock at how she chose to defend his actions which had ended with her literally scarred. "Thank you." He says "I'm glad you are here now. This is your home even in the holidays unless visiting friends you can stay here all the time. You are safe from her here I promise you."

Hagrid takes out the small parcel we retrieved earlier that day from Gringotts and places it on the desk which Dumbledore takes. "You've had a long day Bella. Best if I show you your room." McGonagall says. "Thank you Professor. Goodnight."
"Night." The other three adults say. Minerva leads Bella from the room.

Once the door closes Hagrid starts to tell them about the wand she had and the three were wondering what it might mean but they were unable to think of anything and retire for the day.

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