The Sorting

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Once Bella is setting in a little, Dumbledore, in the month remaining before school, is teaching her how to become an animagus. Her first transformation went surprisingly well. A black and white Cat, she has done it and on transforming back into her human form she shouted with joy, "I did it!"
"Well done Bella," Dumbledore exclaimed, "But you can't tell anyone about this as the Ministry would not like me to teach you. Not even Harry. But I think this will help you protect yourself from harm so therefore believe it is necessary." Bella nodded, " I promise, Professor." Dumbledore smiles, "Good girl, of you go now and enjoy the sunshine." Bella once again turns into her animagus form of a black and white cat and runs out of the office door and down the corridor.

Staying at Hogwarts over the summer was great for Bella as she would spend her time exploring the castle, its hidden passages and the grounds. After not very long she had established that The Black Lake was her favourite place to be. She would walk through the silky water and sit for hours starring over it thinking, or would take a school book to read through so she had some idea what she was doing when it came to lessons in a week or so's time as she felt she needed to prove that Dumbledore was right in giving her a chance and she wasn't going to mess it up. Just keep a low profile and she'll be fine. But nothing ever goes to plan.


It is the 1st of September, the day she'd been waiting for, the day she would see her best friend Harry again. Dressing for the first time in her Hogwarts robes she runs down to Hagrid's hut.
"Hello Bella! Come in." Hagrid greets cheerfully. "Cuppa."
"Yes please Hagrid." Bella answers sitting down to stroke Fang. "Today's the day." She says slightly nervously. Passing the tea over Hagrid joins her at the table. "Don't worry about what everyone else thinks I'm sure you will soon show them all who you truly are."
"Thanks Hagrid." After finishing tea they head down to the station with Fang and await the Hogwarts Express.


It's dark as the train pulls in. The whistle blows and the doors open as a stream of students climb out onto the platform. "First years, this way Hagrid shouts." Bella just stands trying to pick out Harry in the crowd. Hagrid being a half giant spots Harry first. "Hallo Harry!" Harry walks up to Hagrid and Bella with a ginger boy Bella didn't know but the boy seemed to know her nearly everybody would she is prepared for that. "Hello Hagrid, Bella." Harry says coming over and gives her an awkward hug. "Whoa." The ginger kid says looking up at Hagrid. "Ron this is Bella, she's my best friend too." Harry introduces us. Ron tentatively puts his hand out to shake. Bella smiles and they shake hands "Ron Weasley." He says. "Bella. Just Bella." Bella answers not wanting to associate herself with her parents.

The three get in one of the boats and when Hogwarts appears it's just as special to Bella as the first time she saw it. "Wicked!" Ron announces. "Doesn't it deserve more than a smile." He adds looking at Bella. "I have been living in Hogwarts for the past month but seeing it just like I did a month ago still amazes me although I have already seen it."
"Lucky." Ron says but Harry and Bella turn to each other knowing differently.


The first years all climb a couple of flights of stairs until they reach Professor McGonagall. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

"Trevor." Someone in the crowd screams and swiftly bends down to pick up his toad. As he stands up Bella can see him it's Neville Longbottom her mother had tortured his parents into insanity and Bella hangs her head in shame. When she looks up the pair catch each others gaze and Neville jumps scared and moves to the back of this large group of 11 year olds. "The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily." McGonagall finishes and disappears into the Great Hall.

A boy with blonde slicked back hair steps forward clearly having to much to say for himself. "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter and Bellatrix Lestrange Junior have come to Hogwarts." The other students start to whisper. "This is Crabbe, and Goyle and I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." Ron and Bella snicker at his name. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours." Signaling to Ron. "Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." That's when Bella had to step in. "You don't have to bring money into this. I know more than anyone that you can't help what you are born. Just because people can't afford the most expensive versions of everything doesn't mean they are worse than you. But placing others beneath yourself because of wealth makes you the lowest of the low. Ron is richer than you in the most important way he has tons of friends and a loving family. Which you certainly don't or won't if you continue on like this." There's silence as everyone including Ron is in shock at how fiercely she is in protecting him. "Do you know who I am." Draco retorts, "I am your cousin." Bella pauses slightly in surprise but won't lose to this Weasel. "You are in no family of mine." Gasps go round the children. "Wait 'til my father hears about this, a member of our family go round protecting blood-traitors." Bella slowly walks up to Draco and whacks him round the face. He bends over in pain and trying to hide her smug smile she goes back and stands next to Ron. Draco rights himself but before he has a chance to get himself another slap McGonagall taps him on the shoulder and he has to go back to his place. "We're ready for you now." and with that McGonagall leads the first years into the Great Hall.

"Thanks Bella. You didn't have to do that." Ron says slightly scared of how fierce she was. "No Ron that was wrong and I'm not letting him push my friends around like that. You just ignore him. I'm sure he'll think twice before saying something like that in front of me again." Bella says smiling at him. They gather round the front and after Dumbledore gives his notices McGonagall calls out the children's full names.

A girl named Hermione Granger is the first to be called and is placed in Gryffindor. Then Draco is called and with a slight black eye, making the three giggle, gets put straight in Slytherin. Ron gets put into Gryffindor but it comes as no surprise as all of his siblings have been put in there so far. After a lot of deliberation Harry gets put into Gryffindor. The students keep getting called up until Bella was the last one.  "Bellatrix Lestrange Junior." McGonagall calls out. The hall holds its breath as she walks up to the hat stool. "Slyt— no. It seems first assumptions about you are incorrect the last place for you is Slytherin. You have power undreamt of by most yet you have no intention on bullying it. Only intentions to do the right thing and to protect your friends which is why you can come over as fierce to those who threaten your loved ones. Hufflepuff would do well for you but I believe the way you don't let others opinions of yourself affect you until they know who you really are shows a determination to be different from your heritage so with that I have to go with ... GRYFFINDOR!" Only Harry, Ron and Hagrid cheer whilst the rest of the teachers clap. Bella looks up to the teachers and Dumbledore nods and smiles that meant everything was ok. All the other students just sit there thinking. She should be in Slytherin, shouldn't she? She's evil, isn't she?

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