chapter seventeen

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millie's pov;

i woke up at 2 am to the sound of my phone.

jacky🧸 is calling...

i answered. his breathing was very heavy.

"hello? jack?"

"um, millie. um. you need to get to the hospital." he said.

"oh god. why?" i shot out of bed.

"it's brook. he's been in a car accident."

i whimpered, "i'll, er. be right there."

i quickly threw on a sports bra, hoodie, joggers and shoes and ran to out of my flat, locking it of course.

i got to my car and shoved the keys in ignition and started driving.

i bloody hope he's okay...
i arrived at the hospital at 2:30 because of traffic.

i texted jack to tell him i've arrived.

"hello, how can i help you?" the desk lady said.

"i, er. i'm looking for brooklyn wyatt. what floor?"

"what's the relation?" she asked.


she smiled, "okay, he's in room 110."

"thank you."
i legged it onto that floor and i searched around the ward for the boys.

"hey, millie." jack came running towards me.

i hugged him, "is he okay?" i cried.

the lads came and hugged me too, "he's okay for now, couple broken ribs and a concussion. doctors with him now." rye explained.

i nodded and wiped my eyes, "he'll be fine."
the doctor came out of his room and walked over to us, "brooklyn has been asking for a millie duff?"

"that's me."

"come this way, please?"

i nodded, but turned to look at the boys for reassurance.

"go." andy mouthed.

i smiled and walked into his room and damn he looked rough.
hey, sorry i've been a bit mia. haven't had much inspiration but i have now.

i know this hasn't got anything to do with the book, but if you happen to be a fan of the dolan twins, please give them some space.

they need time to grieve for the sad loss of their father who was an incredible human being with a great heart.

rip sean dolan, you'll be missed:(

•thank you for reading, more coming soon :)


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