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bambam kissed jinyoung's cheeks and hugged him over the center counsel of the elder's car. jinyoung rubbed his back before bambam got pulled away to get out of the car. "i love you. be safe, bambam."

"i love you." bambam got out of the car and walked to his apartment building. jinyoung always had to drop bambam off kind of far from his building so there was less of a chance that bambam's boyfriend saw them.

"bambam, who were you with?" yugyeom asked as bambam walked into the apartment. bambam jumped because yugyeom wasn't supposed to be home for another two hours.

"i was with jinyoung. we went shopping because i needed new work pants and i didn't want to bother you."

yugyeom patted his lap and bambam sat on his legs, showing him what was in the bag. and like usual, bambam handed yugyeom his phone that didn't have a password on it; a rule from yugyeom.

"you should of told me you were going out, baby, i was worried. how should i know you're not out, cheating on me?"

"i'm sorry, yugyeom. i love you and would never do that." bambam looked down, unable to look yugyeom in the eyes in fear that he would see anger in yugyeom's eyes.

yugyeom lifted bambam's head and made him look at him. bambam was relieved to see that yugyeom didn't look angry. he looked gentle. but yugyeom was good at that.

"i love you, bammie"

"i love you, yugyeom."

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