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"i can't live without you, bambam!" yugyeom shouted as bambam pressed himself against the wall to get further away from him.

as if something in yugyeom's eyes switched, he wrapped his hands around bambam's neck and began to tighten his grip.

bambam wasn't strong enough to push or kick yugyeom away, but jinyoung was outside of the apartment. bambam reached over and pounded on the wall as hard as he could with the limited amount of oxygen he was recieving.

jinyoung entered and pushed yugyeom away from bambam before he shoved bambam outside into the hallway.

"who do you think you are? you think you can abuse bambam and then manipulate him to stay with you. you asshole! you lowlife!" jinyoung pushed yugyeom again when he got closer. "you don't deserve anyone like bambam. you don't deserve anyone, for that matter."

"i'm sorry! i love him so much! don't take him away from me!" but jinyoung didn't pity yugyeom. so he grabbed bambam's suitcase before he quickly left the apartment, pulling bambam downstairs with him.

"you're safe, bambam. you'll never see him again, i swear." jinyiung couldn't promise that bambam would never feel hurt again but he knew he would do everything in his power to keep yugyeom away from him.

bambam began to sob as he sat in the passenger seat of jinyoung's car. he wasn't sure why but he did know he was relieved to be away from yugyeom for good. as much as he loved yugyeom, he knew the harm outweighed any good days they could ever have.

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