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"mark, i don't know if i can do this," jinyoung regretfully told his boyfriend. mark nodded because he was sure he already knew the reason.


"i really love him." jinyoung accepted the hug that mark pulled him into as he started to cry. he was crying because he couldn't be with bambam in the moment, he was crying because he worried about bambam's life every single day. "im going to see him at work tomorrow."

"help him, jinyoung. get him away from yugyeom." jinyoung nodded. that was his goal.

"i'm sorry, mark. i just. i need to take care of bambam."

"i know, jinyoung. and i think that is so important. i know you love him." mark was understanding because jinyoung had had a crush on bambam since they met. then and especially now, he wanted to take care of bambam. "we're still best friends. i want what is best for you and bambam."

bambam and yugyeom we're having a good day. they were cuddled together on the couch, watching a show they both loved.

"baby, i love you."

"i love you, yugyeomie."

bambam loved yugyeom. he loved him so much. and that day reminded him of how their relationship had been in the beginning. the first eight months had been amazing but then yugyeom changed.

bambam was sure yugyeom still loved him. everyone had rough days so why should he fault yugyeom for his?

bambam smiled as he ran his hand through yugyeom's hair. yugyeom just needed someone to love him and bambam knew it.

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