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bambam gasped as he watched the news. blurred pictures of his ex-boyfriend's dead body showed on screen.

"a 20 year old man, dead after committing suicide by hanging in front of apartment building. yugyeom kim was found by his neighbor three days ago. the neighbor says shouts were often heard from his apartment and it was speculated that he was abusing a significant other."

"it's my fault!" bambam cried, chest and shoulders heaving up and down. jinyoung walked out from the bathroom only to have to figure out why bambam was so upset.

luckily, the news was still on the story about yugyeom. but jinyoung changed the station quickly to get it out of bambam's mind as quick as possible.

"it's not. bambam, you did not do anything. he was hurting you and you got out. he made that choice himself. you did nothing wrong, my prince."

bambam believed jinyoung but he still couldn't stop crying. he wasn't dumb. he knew yugyeom hurt him. but he still believed that yugyeom had loved him. bambam didn't think anyone deserved to die.

jinyoung also didn't believe yugyeom should have died. he did believe yugyeom should have been punished but he was fine with yugyeom forever being out of bambam's life.

bambam couldn't breath but he didn't know how to calm himself down. he was nearly hyperventilating and had to push jinyoung away so he could have room to himself.

bambam finally calmed down enough that he could cling onto jinyoung. and he didn't plan on letting him go. eventually jinyoung had to carry bambam to the bathroom so they could take a bath.

jinyoung understood, well he sort of understood. he couldn't say that he had ever been in bambam's place. he comforted bambam as he cried and would never tell him how he should feel; he only wanted to help.

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