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bambam writhed in pain as hot wax was dripped on his chest and stomach. he cried out in pain but he was sure it was only music to yugyeom's ears at this point.

bambam couldn't move, yugyeom was straddling bambam, making it impossible to him to get out.

not only was yugyeom dripping candle wax on bambam, it was from the candle that had been given to them from jinyoung and mark.

"please, please stop! it hurts!" bambam sobbed, moving as much as he could to try to get out.

"this hurts? do you want something that's going to hurt?" yugyeom slapped bambam's cheek. hard. bambam froze while yugyeom seemed to have shocked himself.

yugyeom put the candle down and immediately began to clean off bambam. he went to get a wet cloth but when he entered the room again, bambam was curled up in the corner of the room.

bammie, i swear i didn't mean it. please," yugyeom nearly begged which disgusted bambam who was still bawling his eyes out from the pain. "please, bambam. let me clean you up."

"please stay away from me. you scare me." he watched yugyeom kneel on the floor across their tiny bedroom.

"no, bammie. i-i-i- i'm sorry. i love you. i love you, so much." the tears escaping yugyeom's eyes landed on the floor, well, the ones that didn't trail down his neck did. "i'll go into the living room. you should take a bath or shower."

yugyeom left the room. after a few minutes, bambam crawled to the bathroom. he pulled himself up using the sink counter. yugyeom's hand print was evident on his face, the bright red outline still stung his cheek.

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