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"shit, that's yugyeom's car," jinyoung mumbled as mark pulled up outside of bambam's apartment building. "we can go up. just act like everything is normal."

mark rubbed jinyoung's back as they walked to  bambam's apartment. they listened closely for any yelling that sounded like yugyeom or bambam but they heard nothing.

jinyoung confidently knocked on the door. if he looked scared, yugyeom would know bamnam called him.

"hi, jinyoung, mark," yugyeom said, turning back around to sit next to bambam who's leg was wrapped im ace bandages. bambam clung onto yugyeom, shoving his face in his neck.

"bam, is your leg okay?" mark asked, sitting with jinyoung on the love seat. bambam nodded but didn't say anything.

"he accidentally dropped a knife on his leg. it's okay. we cleaned and covered it. he's just a little tired because he lost a bit of blood when he didn't tell me right away. right, bambi?" yugyeom asked, receiving another nod. "what brings you guys over here?"

"oh, we got you guys a gift," jinyoung said, grabbing said gift out of his bag. he had been planning on giving it to bambam anyway so it was a good scapegoat.

yugyeom grabbed the candle from jinyoung and sniffed it, putting it in front of bambam's nose so he could do the same. "thanks. you like it, bam? we can keep it in our room."

bambam nodded. he looked up at yugyeom with big, doe, innocent eyes. he knew he could get away with more than usual because of how bad yugyeom felt what he had done. "can i hug mark and jinyoung a hug to say thank you before they leave?"

"yeah, baby." bambam stood up, limping, and gave both of his friends a hug. he told them goodbye but couldn't walk them to the door because of the pain he felt just from walking.

"bye, yugyeom," jinyoung said before he shut door after himself and mark.

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