Chapter Seven

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Hello my lovelies! I'm at  it again; writing another chapter while I should be doing some Math.

Pssh. Yeah, like I'm ever going to do that.

So, if you end up liking what I'm taking my limited free time to write, then vote for it! I'm thinking about entering it into this year's Watty Awards, since I'm going pretty fast, but I'll have to do some research about dealines and junk beforehand.

Anyways, we're off topic now, so read on!


I've been thinking about it all day. "Maybe it's hereditary." It's like my thoughts are on repeat.

And it's really annoying.

I tried very hard to concentrate on class, but it seemed like everything was going in one ear and out the other. At least I wrote notes down so I wouldn't be completly in the dark while I do tonight's homework.

Speaking of tonight, I was going to make sure to talk to Drew. Maybe then my repeat button would cease to exsist. I worked out a plan to get him alone, since, with the exeption of Logan, I didn't want anyone else to find out. I may seem like an invincible girl to the school's pupils, but I really didn't want to have to live up to everyone's expectations.

If they knew I was part of the legacy, they'd pick up on everything I did and dissect every syllable that comes out of my mouth so it meant something I didn't intend it to mean.

I know I may be taking my paranoia to the level it shouldn't be and I'm probably procrastinating or over-anaylsing the situation, but I'm not the invincible girl everyone thinks I am. And even though I admitted that in my mini-speech in the cafeteria, I don't think they'd believe me if they found out about this stupid legacy.

 Yup, I think I am the perfect stereotype of a girl with no self confidence.

I groan softly when Coach Jim, aka my gym teacher, football coach and mother's best friend, tells me we'll be playing dodgeball. Now I'll be forced to find out if anyone hates my guts, which I'm sure there's a club for by now. There has to be at least one. Plus, I really hope it's no one on my team. I don't want to be in charge of people who hate me; that's just really un-apealing.

Jim divides us up into teams to avoid favoritism and I'm nearly jumping with joy that I'm paired up with Logan and Melissa.

I notice Jim giving me a meaningful look and I realize with a start that he purposely did that. I smile at him in thanks and the corner of his lips lift up in a smile back.

"How'd you get him to do that?" a girl on my team, known as "Kick-Butt People" (I played no part in that immature --yet awesome-- name; it was Logan's doing, not mine.) asks.

I look at her. "Do what?" You can hear the completely obvious confusion laced into my tone, but I really don't care.

"Get Jim to smile, even if it was a poor excuse for one. He hasn't smiled much since his wife died. It was hard on him."

I was shocked. Jim seemed so full of life when he was around me. Maybe it's like Dad and how he's happy around the jocks. Maybe he's happy around people who knew my mother...or maybe it's me. I chill my thoughts; I can't believe I thought something like that. Why would he smile because of me? Of course, he did just smile at me. Maybe that's proof.

Great, now my head hurts. After Math today, I really shouldn't be doing any hard thinking (Other than about the legacy, which I'm starting to notice is the one exeption to that rule.)

I realize that I'm keeping the poor girl waiting while I've been thinking about how I shouldn't think (My head now hurts more. Awesome.).

"My parents and him are close," is the vague answer I give. I know if I give her anything more than that, than she might piece together the equasion I was hoping no one would-- legacy + me = truth.

Turns out, there is a club planning my untimely demise. They consist of five cheerleader and I seriously wouldn't put it past them to to make a tee-shirt.


Later that night, after I've ordered pizza and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival, I'm sitting on the couch, eating popcorn while I'm trying really hard not to scream at the TV while Jaws is playing. God, I'm never going to the beach again.

Finally, I do scream and end up cowering into Dad and everyone starts laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. Even Dad is laughing. Traitor!

"It's not funny!" I yell, peeved. "Have you ever been to the beach? Have you read the statistics?" I don't give them any time to answer and continue on. "I though not, you thug wannabees!"

Everyone stops laughing at the insult and turns to glare at me. I give out a high eep! noise and press myself even further into Dad's side. He laughs at my antics and puts an arm around me.

"Alright," he laughs. "That's enough ridiculing for one night."

Erg. He manages to stop the "ridiculing" and still make me peeved at the same time. It must be a gift that I don't have.

The doorbell rings everyone makes a mad break for it. Thankfully Drew happend to be sitting next to Logan, who was sitting next to Dad and me, so I just grabbed his jersey and kept it bunched in my hands until everyone leaves.

 I turn to him quickly, knowing we don't have much time until everyone stampedes back into the living room.

"You can't tell anyone." I said fiercly.

He smirks at me, "I can't tell anyone what?"

I really want him to feel pain. "You know what I'm talking about, you big oaf!"

His smirk falters a bit, but he manages to make it look like he's trying to convert it into a smile.

"On one condition."

Yup, the pain needs to come.

I sigh, "What would that be?"

His smile is still there.

"I want you to make my guys faster."

I sit there in silence for a couple seconds, thinking about this. "You want me to train your guys in speed?" I ask.

He nods as everyone comes barreling in. I grab a slice of pizza just before it's gone and sit back.

I turn to Drew and nod, knowing I've made a deal with the devil, who also doubles as my secret crush.


Well, I asked my loyal commenters/fans if they could castrate me for not putting the prank in

 this chapter, and they convinced me to post this and to "Let my characters freee!!" =)

So I just stuck with the reasoning for the prank: Drew needs pain, according to our favorite secretly self-concious character. Thanks for your input Kyeire!

Comment Challenge:

What scares you the most? It can be stupid; mine is.

I'm currently afraid of two red eyes appearing in the dark since then I know the Alpha is real. l don't fancy getting my throat riped.

TV show reference alert! Correct guess get's dedication!

Oh, and Who should play Em, Logan, Melissa, Dan (Em's Dad) and Drew? I decided on Gerard Butler for Jim.

A Look Into: Chapter Eight:

I swear to all the Greek gods, I will put the prank in the next chapter. Swearsies!

Plus, I think half the chapter needs to be about the "Epic Prank of Awesomeness", and the other half is important too.

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