Chapter Thirteen

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I was almost late for track practice. That just doesn't happen. I do believe I will blame Mark, or whatever his name is, for this impossibility. 
I bet you're now wondering who this Mark Whatever person is, right? Well, he's the idiot who wouldn't stop hitting me so I could go get my track clothes on. Yup, you guessed right, he's one of Drew's boys.

But now I'm here with my people. Yes, I did say my people. After all I am the captain, but I'm not going to say they are "my" people out loud, since I have the slightest hunch that they wouldn't appreciate that. It's just a hunch though.

"Today we are going to do the same training I'm doing with Drew's boys." I don't think the jocks would mind being called "Drew's boys". In fact, I think they'd take pride in it. Stupid cavemen.

"Yes!" Valerie cheered, and I could already tell she was my favorite; yet another thing I'd never tell anyone.
I smiled, "What's up with the enthusiasm? I thought for sure I'd be getting collective groans."
She grinned at me and laughed. "I have no idea. I thought I'd be weird."
I snorted. "Well, on that note, I think we'll begin today's practice. First thing's first, does anyone have any medical conditions I should know about?" I know it may seems weird to ask this on the second day of practice, but all we really did last time was talk and introduce ourselves. Other than Christina, who went and sulked in a corner. Party Popper.
Joe raised his hand, blushing slightly. "I have type two diabeties."
"So I won't bring any donuts." I snapped my fingers in mock disappointment. "Dang it, there goes my group snack." I smiled then waved him off when he turned more red and opened his mouth to apologize. "I had a cousin like that; no biggie." I looked around at everyone. "Anyone else?" The rest of my team shook their heads and I nodded. "Okay then, let's start training. Warm up lap!" I shouted at the end, making them all flinch, including Christina. Hm, maybe I was a Drill Sergeant like Drew suggested.

We all quickly ran our lap, which was more like a wake up jog than a run. Whatever definition it needed to be granted with, it definatly woke me up.
"Let's march!" I yelled, starting to go around the field while picking my knees up as high as they could go.
"What is this, Basic Training?" sneered Christina.

Something snapped inside of me and I stopped abruptly, moved to the side and motioned for everyone else to continue. I waited for Christina to try and go past me then jumped in front of her.
"Look," I began. "I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Whichever one you decide, you need to keep your snide remarks and sarcastic quips to yourself." She looked slightly taken back, and I knew she was very taken back but was trying to hide it. Not well, I might add. But I went on. "I've been nothing but nice to you, and I don't appreciate your attitude with me or with my techniques. Obviously, they work or I wouldn't use them and they wouldn't have gotten my team in Cinci to nationals two years in a row, so if you could keep your opinions to yourself I'd be greatly appreciative." This is the only place that I can truly be myself, and she wasn't about to make my confidence about this sport dissipate. Not if I had anything to do about it.
She seemed to get her wits back after my outburst and managed to sneer out, "I know about your little secret, wannabe, and I plan on taking your spot." before flipping -yes, flipping- her hair over her shoulder and walking briskly away.

Then something occurred to me. Oh god, she knows about the Legacy.

I put on my brave face, when I'm really pacing around in my head and continue practice with no problem.
Jay asked about Christina and what I said to her, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were together or something. He was another one of the jocks essentially, and she was a typical blond. Although, she is smarter than she originally let on.
"She got a migraine," I lied vaguely. He seemed to find out after the third time he got the same answer that I wasn't going to tell him anything else.

After practice though, my brave face broke and I kneeled in the grass and cried. Everything I've been holding in, every tear I didn't shed for Mom because I wanted to be strong for Daddy, every sob I wanted to let out when I got a sympathetic look from people who knew me my whole life, every single moment where I thought about something Mom did that made me want to break down like I was doing now, everything I've been holding in.  
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up into soft blue eyes that make my heart flutter. When he saw the mascara ridden tear tracks down my face, he pulls me to him. I grab onto him like he's my lifeline.

When every tear that I could shed comes out of my tear ducts, he pulled back to look me in the face. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice full of concern for me.
I give out a sad excuse for a laugh. "Everything" I reply.
He looks at me curiously and I figure I have nothing left to loose. He knows about the Legacy, my mom, my dreams and he still wants to help. So I told him everything else that has been bothering me, specifically the Christina incident.

He nodded at the appropriate times and kept his arms around me, like a security mechanism showing me that I could not worry about anything other than right now.
After I was done, he pulled me in for another hug and I noticed he was crouched down to hold me while I was still kneeling on the ground. "Aren't you uncomfortable?" I asked. "You're crouching down next to a seemingly emotionally unstable girl, who just broke down and told you her every insecurity."
He smiled. No sarcastic after tone or sardonic smirk, but a real smile. "You're not just any emotionally unstable girl, you're the girl who I want to know every insecurity about so I can hold you when you get uncomfortable. Why would I be uncomfortable?"
I felt myself tearing up. Honestly, that's the nicest, most sweetest thing that any guy has every said to me.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and looked up to meet his eyes. "Thank you," I tell him, putting every whirling emotion going through me into my words.
He met my gaze too. "No, thank you. You've shown me that not every girl needs to be perfect; that imperfections make some people perfect."
I coudn't say anything to top that, so I just remained silent. Then he managed to do something to fill in the silence.
He brought his lips to mine.

I'm going "awwwww" out loud right now. I think that's single-handedly the best moment/paragraph I've ever  written. Ever.
By the way, I do believe I shall call this the "climax" of Southern Charm. You are welcome for sharing this tidbit  of information with you.

The video, Thank God For Hometowns by Carrie Underwood, is just something I like to listen to. But it's also about hometowns, and Dyersburg is that kind of hometown. Let me know if you like listening to music while reading, and I'll try to make posting my favorite songs in each chapter a habbit.

Comment Challenge:
hat's your favorite romantic scene from any movie or book (online or not). And who do you think should play some of the characters? All I have is Jim as Gerard Butler.

A Look Into: Chapter Fourteen:
Whatever will Emalie do about Christina? And what about that kiss? Where will it lead our main characters in their relationship?

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