Chapter 1

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A challenge between a MyDay and Once a.k.a me and FullSinsAndDeeds

There will be other artists as well, playing as minor and/or major characters.

Thia is for entertaiment purpose only, so don't get triggered by anything.

The only thing I own is the plot and story line. Please appreciate my hardwork by voting, and comment. 

Now that the formality is done,


It was another peaceful day in Songguk Private Highschool. The wide hallways were empty, while the students were quiet as they listens to their teacher, some of them asleep.

That was also the case with class 2-4.

"No, no! Jeong! You idiot-- NO!!!" Im Nayeon groaned as she puts down her phone harshly.

Or not.

"Damn it," Yoo Jeongyeon sigh. They lost yet another round in PUBG.

The teacher in front of the class continue talking, as if he didn't hear any of the commotion behind him.

It was the teachers' silent agreement to ignore Twice, the school's deliquent group of nine girls, whenever they  did something. Not because they don't care about the other students who were unlucky enough to be in the same class as them, but because all of the members are the daughters of powerful people in South Korea.

"Jeong, let's go to the arcade." Nayeon stood up then fling her silver hologram bag on her shoulder, ready to leave.

"I'm good." Was Jeongyeon's only answer.

Nayeon shrug, and leave the classroom. The tension that came along with her were gone, and the students and teacher could focus once more.

Jeongyeon was never the type to hang out with the other Twice members. She was quiet, shy, and the type that won't be able to sleep if they did someone wrong.

She would choose the library over arcade anyday, glasses over colored lenses, books over make up, and sleep over clubbing.

But if she accept herself just as she is, she would be all alone. She would be another nerd, bullied, and forgotten soon enough.

She's scared. She doesn't want to be Kyungwan anymore. She's Jeongyeon, the chic, fierce, and girl crush Jeongyeon.

Not the nerdy Kyungwan.


Five of the Twice members were gone for the rest of school, leaving Jeongyeon, Mina, Sana, and Dahyun the only members in the school.

Jeongyeon would very much like to go home and read or study because their leader, Jihyo, is not there. But Dahyun seems to having another idea.

"Anyone up for some steak?" Dahyun suggested after the end of school on the rooftop.

Jeongyeon could NEVER refuse food. If she had to choose between reading or eating, she would choose the later.

Incompatible (Jae Day6 X Jeongyeon Twice)Where stories live. Discover now