Chapter 4

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Jeongyeon ate her lunch silently as the rest of the Twice members gossiped loudly in the school's cafeteria. She wasn't in the mood to join in, heck, she wasn't even in the mood to eat.

What happened that morning was still clear and her stomach always felt sick whenever she remembers it.

After Jae stopped her, Jihyo had marched to them, followed by Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

All she can do was wait for them to reach her, and probably prepare herself for what's about to happen.

"I didn't know you knew him?" Jihyo said immediately after she stopped in front of Jae and Jeongyeon.


"Wouldn't it be weirder if she doesn't know me?" Jae said, stopping Jeongyeon before she could say anything.

"And who gave you the right to talk to me?"

"Oh, so now I have to have permission before I talk? Wow, I didn't know you own me!"

"Shut that filthy mouth of yours," Dahyun said.

Jeongyeon stood silently as she look between Jae and Jihyo. You could literally taste the tension in the air. It was suffocating and dreadful.

Now, people all around them stopped completely to watch the head of deliquent and the hot guitarist.

They started to whisper, and Jeongyeon caught some of it.

Many said Jae messed with the wrong girl.

And at the moment, Jeongyeon couldn't agree more.

"Jeong." Jae's voice pulled her back to reality and the situation at hand.

"Don't call me so casually." Jeongyeon glares at Jae. She saw his eyes widen, and his face paled. His face was pale from the start, and now, it was a s white as a piece of paper.

The guilt was eating her in the inside and it hurt to see the one she admired to look that hurt over what she had done.

So, she did the only thing she knew best.

She turned on her heel and left the scene before she couldn't fake it anymore.


"You're not eating?" Dahyun pat on Jeongyeon's shoulder once.

She didn't realize she was daydreaming so long when she realizes the cafeteria is empty, leave it for Twice since they would skip class or come in late.

"I'm good."

Jeongyeon stood up quickly to run to her class. It was geography next, and she doesn't want to miss more then she might have already from that class.

She ran all the way to class, skipping a step of the stairs as often as possible. Her legs are long, but to skip a step or two of the stairs were still hard for her.

Then she remembered how easily Jae's legs take him up the stairs yesterday. Jeongyeon was struggling as she followed Jae, but he didn't slow down his pace even slightly.

Once, she heard him chuckle.

The thought that Jae laugh at her made her ecstatic and over the cloud, even though she might look silly in front of him. But that was enough for her. She didn't ask for much.

Jeongyeon was so imersed in her thought, or she was just spacing out, she didn't realize a lean figure coming down the stairs.

The other person didn't realize her either. He had his earphone blasting the music in his ears, and eyes glued to his phone.

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