Chapter 8

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A month had officially passed since Jeongyeon talked to Jae. She mastered the art of run and hide from the blond male after two weeks of Jihyo's constant survailance on her.

Her life has now went back to normal. Pretending to be someone strong, to act cold and ignorant, to hide herself.

"Jeongie!" Jeongyeon stopped and sigh at the nickname a certain brunette had given her. Bangchan is walking to her with a big smile and his hair wet at the end.

She and Bangchan had been friends since he first came here from Australia, five years ago. He moved in next to her and they hit it right away. He had been through her hardest time, and still does. The only person who knows her realest self. Now that she thinks about it,  she still remembered how bratty and small he was, his head barely reaching her chin. Now, he's just a few centimeters taller than her and her most trusted person.

"Stop it with the name!" She said as Bangchan stops in front of her. "And you smell! Go take a shower, damn it!"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Go to hell!" Jeongyeon pinch her nose to block the stench.

Bangchan's smirk widened. 

Jeongyeon took a step back. She knows him all to well that meant disaster. "We know you don't mean that."

Before she could react, Bangchan had thrown himself on her, almost knocking them both down if not for someone behind her, preventing the fall. 

The position they were in couldn't possibly get anymore awkward. Whoever behind her had their arms around her waist while Bangchan' around her shoulder. 

There was a moment of silence before Bangchan spoke up.

"Well, this is awkward."

"No kidding." Whoever behind her said.

It was a deep and raspy voice of someone who just woke up. It was hot and sexy and--

Wait, that's not the point.

It's a voice she knows all too well. 

Jeongyeon pushed herself up and moved away. Bangchan's arms still around her like a possesive kid holding on their favorite teddy bear.

"Jae...," Jeongyeon murmured. Her eyes wide and she froze like an antelope in front of flashlights. 

"I don't think you want to hear this, but you're dead."

"Damn right." Jeongyeon whispers back to Bangchan.

"No, I mean, seriously. Look who's on the top of the stairs."

Jeongyeon shifts her vision slightly to see what Bangchan meant and immediately paled at the sight.

Jihyo's standing there, along with all the Twice members.


"That was an accident!" Jeongyeon tried to defend herself. Right after the accident, She was pulled--dragged--to the rooftop by a furious Jihyo. The students who were minding their own business stops and move back to make way for the nine girls. 

And now, there they are, with Jeongyeon being circled.

"Liar! I know you've been meeting Jae in secret! And now you're openly cuddling in the corridor?"

"No!" Tears were forming in Jeonyeon's eyes already. "Ask Bangchan--"

"Shut up!" Jihyo slaps Jeongyeon's right cheek. "Like I would believe him! He would do anything to cover you up!" 

Jeongyeon went quiet and so is the rest of the members. They thought of the same thing, Jihyo had gone too far. 

They never knew why she hates Jae that much, nor she would answer if asked. But no excuse or explenation would ever justify her for hurting a friend just because they were in the wrong position, with the wrong person, in the wrong time.

"Jihyo, I think you went too far this time." Tzuyu spoke up beside her.

"No," Jihyo shakes her head. "I don't think this is enough."

"You're out. Don't ever show that fucking face in front of me ever again."

Jihyo turns around and left, slamming the door as she went inside the building. 

Most of the members left following Jihyo looking guilty, but Chaeyoung and Nayeon stayed with Jeongyeon.

"Are you okay?" Nayeon touched the side of Jeongyeon's face that was slapped to examine the swollen cheek. There was a cut on the right conrner of her lips and blood trickle down from the little scratch.  

"Oh, this doesn't look good." Chaeyoung pulled her handkerchief and use it to dab on Jeongyeon's lips lightly.

"It doesn't feel good either." Jeongyeon tried to smile, but before her lips formed one, she winces in paind. "God, that hurts so bad."

"You know Jihyo didn't mean that. I can talk to her after she cooled down if you want?" Nayeon offered.

"No, it's fine. This might be what's best for me." Jeongyeon wanted to add that she's tired of Jihyo's over dramatic reaction to almost everything, anyway. But decided against it since she doesn't want anything she says to bite back at her later.

Nayeon and Chaeyoung exchange looks before nodding and turning to Jeongyeon again. "Alright. We need to go now or we'll be in trouble."

"It will be okay. You still have Chan and the others, right?" Nayeon smiles.

"Yeah. You guys go on ahead."

After each of them gave Jeongyeon a hug, they left, looking back once to give her an apologetic smile before they went inside.

Jeongyeon lay down on the hard concrete and look up the sky. What she feared the most had come. It's not night time yet, but she already dreaded for tomorrow to come. What if she's bullied again? Would anyone come and save her?

Just then, she remembered Nayeon's words. Here and now, she has Bangchan. Someone who was not there in middle school and elementary. And there's also Woojin, Seungmin, and Felix. 

They didn't like Jihyo that much in the first place, so maybe she could count on them?

Or maybe Bangchan is enough to be her safe house.

She doesn't want to count Jae in for that one. She knows he's the reason she got into this situation in the first place. Jeongyeon's not dumb enough to come crying to him now. And it might be wise to stay away from him too just so she wouldn't give Jihyo a reason to bully her.

Just then, the door opened again. Jeongyeon turned her head to see who's coming, and she lets out a sigh of relief as she sees who's coming out.




Sorry I made Jihyo such a bitch here :/ 

I love our God-Jihyo as much as you all do. Please don't kill me in my sleep :"

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