Chapter 7

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It somehow still bothers her how she actually thought Jae first thing after she woke up.

The feelings she had for him was supposed to be those like a fan and idol kind. Not the romantic kind.

Did she develop something more? Or... she's hoping something more from Jae?

Holy, she seemed like those desprate, crazy fangirls.

Sure, they hung out a lot these past few days. Or did they really hang out? Their meeting were mostly coincidental. Not like they promised to hang out after school? Nor to meet up at lunch?

So why? That was something Jeongyeon still couldn't understand.


Momo shook her out of her trance. They were in the cafetaria for lunch. Jeongyeon didn't realize her lunch break were almost over, but both of her rice ball were almost untouched.

"Did you hear what we were saying?" Tzuyu rises her eyebrow, fixing up her hair as she gave a side wink to a passing guy.

And he actually blushes. Wow.

Jeongyeon couldn't understand how Tzuyu can pull off that kind of stunt without embarrasing herself.

"Sorry, what was it?"

"The hip hop team invited us out after school today. You coming?"

Jeongyeon's answer were already at the tip of her tounge when Nayeon interupted her. "Of course she is."

"What?" Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon, her eyebrows squinting together.

"Chan is going to be there, right? I thought you said you had a crush on him." Nayeon nudges her, smirking as she wiggled her arms.


It was Nayeon's turn to squint. "Geez, you don't have to deny it that hard. Chan is going to be hurt."

"We were just friend. No more, no less." Jeongyeon shook her head weakly. Unbelivable how that bizzare theory popped up in her head.

"But you're coming, right?" Dahyun asks again.


"Yes! A hundred percent, yes!"

Jeongyeon gave side glare to Nayeon, who just averted her eyes somewhere else, accidently landing on Day6's table. She squealed and went on a full fangirl mode, hitting Jeongyeon like she was a punching bag, as she sees Dowwoon, sitting there. Eating. Breating.


And Jeongyeon silently, intentionally, lands her eyes on Jae, and caught that he was looking at her, starring with a smile on his face.

Jeongyeon quickly look away before anyone catches her starring. But it was too late.

Jihyo saw her.


The plan to hang out with the hip hop team got cancelled right after luch was over, and Jihyo announced that they're going to have a small gathering after school, at the rooftop.

Everyone was confused, but not for Jeongyeon.

She somehow have a feeling that this is going to be about her and Jae.


The evening breeze at the rooftop didn't feel as calming and cool as it usually is. It was heavy and hot and stuffy. It took Jeongyeon's every nerve to keep a poker face and act like she knew nothing.

"Who wants to confess?" Jihyo started. Her eyes darted to every face in the circle, staying on Jeongyeon longer than the rest.

Jeongyeon stayed motionless and kept eye contact with the leader. Any small movement could give her away.

When no one said anything, Jihyo spoke up again. "You know, I've heard, and seen, someone getting awfully chummy with the jerk."

The jerk. That's what Twice called Jae. The name was so toxic and literally could blow up the bomb in Jihyo so they decided to use an alias for him.

Jeongyeon's breath got caught in her throat, and suddenly it feels like she just entered a tiger's den by how the members eye glint with something vile and hunger to eat her alive.

So she was right. Jihyo must jave seen her and Jae starring at each other at lunch today.

But she still had no intention to let the cat out of the bag. She would rather drift further away from Jae than to admit it and get kicked out from Twice.

"Jeong?" Nayeon inquired from beside her, shaking the light pink haired girl.

"Yeah?" Jeongyeon replied with a smile, the opposite of her tangled emotion and panic state. Acting to be someone who's not her for a year sometimes made her forget who she really is. Even when in a tight position like right now, she forced herself to act accordingly to her character.

Chick, ignorant, and mysterious.

Although that might be because her quiet personality that refuses to be hidden in the dark.

"Want me to confess?" Jeongyeon challanged Jihyo by looking dead set into her eyes. "I talked to him."

Jeongyeon must have went crazy for admitting it just like that. Altgough it was only half truth, at least she didn't balantly lie.

Jihyo's eyes turn darker than before and her knuckles went pale as she grips on the table she's sitting on.

"And why would you do that?" Jihyo asks through gritted teeth.

Jeongyeon shrug. "I went to their storage to play the piano. And while I was playing, he came in. Started blabbering about how he needs a new guitar and how Wonpil looks so cute but cringy as well."


"I stayed silent. What did you expect? He was weird as fuck, if you need to know."

Jihyo eyed Jeongyeon, doubt written all across her face. "That's it?"

Jeongyeon nod once. If she wanted them to believe her, she had to believe in herself first, right?

"Yep. That's it."

Her heartbeat accelerated again and felt like it would burst out from her chest.

She's done it. And now, she have to stop seeing Jae or that would be the end of her.


It's been couple of days since Jeongyeon's lie.

And that also mean it's been a while since the last time she talked to Jae.

She would steer clear out of his way whenever they were about to bump into each other in hallways or canteen, and would obviously ran towards the other direction or pretended she didn't heard him call on some occasions.

If she doesn't feel guilty, that would be a lie. Everytime their eyes meet, she would avert her gaze first. And from that few seconds of contact, she always sees the same emotions in his eyes :

Confusion, betrayal, and sadness.

Incompatible (Jae Day6 X Jeongyeon Twice)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang