Chapter 6

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"You have me now."

Jeongyeon didn't say anything back as she sat there, stiff and rigid. Her mind were blank and it was as if she was blind, she couldn't even see Jae that''s only a few centimeters away from her.

She never had anyone said such a thing to her. Just one sentence to tell her she can take it slow because they're behind her back to support her, or in front of her to protect her.

All her life, she had been alone. She had no one to call friend, and no one to lean on. Of course, she has her parents. But as comfortable as she could be around them, there were still somethings that she couldn't tell no matter what.

"I.. I.. I mean, uh, thanks." Jeongyeon manage to say. She was so embarrassed she looks down and uses her hair to cover some of the redness on her face. The blush were by far the worse she have ever experience. Her whole face and ears are burning with all the blood rushing there.

Sometimes, whenever she was lost in her thought, Jeongyeon liked to question how the body actually works. Like blushing. How did the blood rush into her face and only her face? Is it really blood that rushed up and not something else? Or--


Jae cups Jeongyeon's cheeks in his hands and forces her to look up. He could feel the rising temperature of her body and began to panic.

Somehow, he doesn't realize Jeongyeon is blushing. Madly.

"Did you caught a fever? Your face is hot! It's burning!"

A fever? Jeongyeon thought. That might be it.

"I-I think I did!" Jeongyeon's eyes darts around the room to avoid Jae's worried gaze. "I'll go to the infirmary to get something to tone it down, okay?"

Jeongyeon stood up abruptly and dash through the many equipments in the band room, hitting her toe to the mic stand on her way.

"Shit!" The curse flowed out Jeongyeon's mouth like running water. The pain on her toes were not as bad as she thought, so she continued to run out of the room. Before the door closes behind her, she could hear Jae's footsep inside. It echoes in the room, and that made her run even faster.

If Jae thought she would be going to the infirmary, then the only place she couldn't be right now is there.


Jeongyeon stops by the railing on the rooftop, catching her breath. Some sweats trickled down her forehead and her breathing were ragged.

"Damn it," Jeongyeon said as she slid down to the floor.

The breeze is probably the only best thing about the abandoned rooftop. There were only broken tables and chairs, and the fence were yellowing and rusty.

It was not the best place to run to during a zombie appocalypse, but if its for skippimg a class or two, it was the perfect place.

Now that she had calmed down, she found herself questioning,

How could Jae say something as embarrasing as that?

And did she overreact by running off like that?

Ah, whatever, she thought to herself.

Jeongyeon starred at the sky as her breathing came to a normal pace. The clouds move about the sky slowly as if mocking her for running until her legs gave up.

With the breeze flowing and the sun behind the clouds, it was the perfect condition for a nap.

And well, that's what Jeongyeon decided to do.

If she skipped class, night as well use it to the fullest, right?


Jeongyeon squirm in her laying position. She was starting to get stuffy in her sleep and the sun hits directly at her face was not something comfortable to make you continue sleeping.

As she stay still to wait for her soul to return, the sun light on her face were suddnely gone, like the cloud went by it, but it was more comforting and provide more shade.

She peaks from behind one of her closed eye. A figure was crouching down beside her.

It looks like a man.

"Jae...?" Jeongyeon mummbled unconciously.

"Too bad," the man replied. "I'm not Jae."

Jeongyeon's eye shot open just to find Jae's bandmate, Younghyun, or Brian, or Young K, in front of her.

He seriously got a huge identity crisis.

She wasn't even sure what to call him.

"Hi there." He smiles. Jeongyeon just realize that he was wearing glasses. A black, thick rimmed, square glasses. The complete opposite of Jae's.

She wasn't sure how to reply to him, or more importantly, why he was even here, on the abandoned rooftop.

"Why are you here?"

Young K shrugs and let out a small sigh. "I was expecting something like 'I'm your fan', with love struck eyes and an adorable blush, but I guess Jae's got you good, huh?"

Jeongyeon could imagine a thick mark appearing on her forehead. Not just he had an identity crisis, his personality pisses her even more.

"That didn't answer my question."

"Is there any rules that states it's forbidden to come to the rooftop?"

"Actually, there is."

"Then, why are you here?" Young K raises his eyebrow.

"No reason."

There was a moment of silence before Young K bursts into a laughing fit. The quiet and peace Jeongyeon was looking for in the rooftop were gone in a second by Young K's loud laugh.

"You're really insteresting, huh?" Young K wipes the tears at the corner of his eyes from laughing too much.

"Um... thanks?" Jeonyeon wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult coming from a person who just laugh for no reason at all. For all she knows, he might be crazy. Or extremely stressed.

"No wonder Jae likes you so much." Young K said under his breath as he stand up. Unfortunately, Jeongyeon missed that. "I'll see you around, Jeongyeon."

Young K walked to the door and disappeared from behind the closed door.

Jeonyeon got her peace and quiet once again and was about to continue her nap when a sudden thought popped in her mind.

It's not like she  had zero male friends, although they rarely met at school. There was the possibility it was Chan, or Woojin, or Felix, or Seungmin

So why did she thought it was Jae?

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