Chapter 9

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"Hey." Jeongyeon said weakly.

"Uh, do I know you?" Young K raises his eyebrows, confused. But the twich of his corner lips couldn't hide itself.

"Haha, funny."

Young K chuckles, then proceeds to sit by her side, legs crossed. "Hey." 

His eyebrows scrunched as he brings his face closer to Jeongyeon's. The distance between his and her face were too close for comfort, but she's okay with it. Maybe bacuse she felt comfortable around him, somehow.

"Pretty sure this felt familiar somehow." Jeongyeon tried to smirk. But the effort was stopped with the stinging pain.

"Damn right. What happened to your face? Is it a new kind of trend? Should I try it?"

This time, Jeongyeon chuckles. Although it didn't lasts long as she winces again. "Today has been a long and tiring. And my lips hurt so don't talk to me."

Young K pull away then follow Jeongyeon to lay down. "Let me guess, this got something with the accident in the corridor."

He doesn't seem to be the type to listen to other people so she just nod without saying anything. Jeongyeon does wondered how does he knows, but words travel like fire so he probably heard it from somewhere. Or, he was there but she didn't notice.

"Jihyo got mad?"


"Then she throws you out?"

Another nod. 

"And... you fell face first to the hard, cold concrete because you tripped on your shoelace."

Jeongyeon frowns and turn to Young K. "Okay, what?"

"That cut on your lips."

"Come on," Jeongyeon sighs. "Anyone who knows what Jihyo's like and how she reacts to anything Jae-related would know this was from her."

Young K sat up. "You're kidding."

"Sadly, I'm not."

There were silence after that. The bursting of school were faintly heard from up there, but it's surely loud. There's only five minutes before the bell rings so that means she's skipping lunch today.

"Great. And I have math after this." Jeongyeon sat up to stretch her body before standing up. "I'm gonna head down. You're coming?"

"You're planning to attend class with that?" Young K raises one of his eyebrow.

"Um, yes? I can cover this easily."

"I didn't know you were such a diligent student. Come on, I'll take you somewhere better." He stands up and walk ahead Jeongyeon to the door. 

"No way. I'm not skipping another class."

"You are. You skipped class with Jae once, you can do it again. Second time is the charm, they said."

"Thought it was the third time?"

Young K stops and think about it for a while, but after a moment he shrugs. "Meh. Three time is too much."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes but said nothing after that.


"This is such an exaggeration for such a small cut. I can easily cover it up with a concealer."

Jeongyeon continues her blabbing as she was stepping into the infirmary. Young K paid her no mind and went to the white cupboard on the corner of the room. He went through shelf after shelf to find the ointment and band-aid.

She sigh when she realizes Young K was not the type to listen, and was turning around to leave just to be pulled back by a strong hand by the wrist.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere." Young K sat her on the farthest bed from the door, silently telling Jeongyeon she should stay and do as he says.

Yong K moved his chair to the bed and pulling Jeongyeon's face closer so he can get a good look.

In this empty room, Young K and Jeongyeon sat only a breath apart. Seeing how Young K usually behaves--a playboy--he must be used to this distance. On the other hand, Jeongyeon could feel her heart ready to leap out of it's cage due to the extreme beating. She could only close her eyes to try block everything away.

"Did you two fight?" Jeongyeon felt a cold sensation on her lips. She winches in surprise and slight pain.

"Pretty obvious, huh?" Jeongyeon rolled her eyes behind her closed lid. "You wouldn't be here of not for it."

"Not Jihyo, silly." Jeongyeon felt another stinging pain on her cut. This time worse than the first one.

"That hurts!"

"I made sure it is. I was talking about you and Jae."

"Ah, that." Jeongyeon answered unintrestingly.

"So?" Young K's hand stopped the dabbing motion. She guessed he's looking up at her with raised eyebrows.

"Not exactly. I just put some distance between us."


Jeongyeon sigh. "You ask too much."

Young K laugh as he put on a band aid on Jeongyeon's cut. He did a pretty good job with it. "Done."

"Thanks." Jeongyeon touched on the band-aid that's stuck on her corner lips.

When they were about to stand up, the bell for the class exchange rang, stratling the two.

Out of nowhere, Young K laughs, making Jeongyeon toake a step back.

Is he okay?

"What?" Jeongyeon asks. Young K started to point at Jeongyeon for no reason, and he was laughing.

Did she do something to amuse him?

"You should've seen yourself. You jumped!"

Jeongyeon rolls her eyes, although her face was as red as a tomato. "Whatever."

"Ok, I'm going to go to class. Thanks for this." Jeongyeon points at where her cut used to be. Now, it was neatly covered with a band-aid.

Jeongyeon quickly left the infarmary before anyone cathes them together in there. She doesn't need another bad rumor about her after being kicked out from Twice.

"Gosh, I didn't know you were such a study bug?" Young K raises his eyebrows. He walked towards Jeongyeon who already walked away from the room. "Let's skip for another lesson. I had math after this."

"All the more reason to not skip," Jeongyeon said without looking back. She skipped two steps of the stairs and reach the top in no time. She was ready to dash towards her class before she was pulled back by someone.

She should've expected Young K to be the persistent type.

"Seriously. I can't skip another class, Young--"

Her words were caught in her throat when she turns. She was met with the person she most don't want to be seen together. Behind him, Young K stands still, his eyes wide as if he was not expecting the blonde guitarist to show up.

"We need to talk."

It was Jae.

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