Chapter 15: Travel

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I zip the last of my luggage closed after putting in all the clothes I needed for the weekend. The day has finally approached and I would soon be on my way to meet the rest of Jimin's extremely wealthy family. The wedding weekend luckily landed on a holiday weekend, which meant we would get Friday off school as well. This shit only lines up perfectly in romance novels.

I was standing by the window in my living room. Most people would be excited to go off to an extravagent wedding two hours away for the weekend. But honestly, I did not want to see Jimin's car pull up any time soon. I've never been away for the weekend in a hotel. My family hasn't always been the wealthiest so I wasn't familiar with luxury until I've been with Jimin. I've also never lied to my parents like this before. But when one has strict parents, you have to find a way to get things done. They think I'm going on a school retreat for seniors. I even typed up my own permission slip and had them sign it. I've been pretty much trained to follow the rules and be the most studious person. After all, I would be the one to get my family out of this economic rut.

It was college application season and of course I've already filled mine out. I sent out six applications total, including community colleges, state colleges, and even Yale just to see if I could even get in. There's no way I would go even if I did though. That tuition debt would follow me forever.

I'm pulled out of my daze by a car horn. Jimin was outside and ready to sweep me off to a weekend of luxury. I take one last deep breath and walk outside.

"Well don't you look beautiful," Jimin greets me before kindly opening the car door for me.

"Why thank you. Some rich guy with unknown intentions really changed up my style."

He laughs under his breath and continued to put my luggage and bag in the trunk.

"You ready?"

"I mean I kinda have to be."

"That's true I guess." He begins to drive off. "You sure you're okay though? You seem a little tense."

"Yeah sorry. I was just thinking about college before you got here."

"Why does that worry you? You're sure to get in with your amazing grades. I mean aren't you at the top of our class?"

"I think so. But it's the money that's the issue. I'll probably just end up at the community college here which isn't a bad thing."

Jimin turns to look at me as we reach a red light. "What? No way, Lila. You're capable of so much more. I'm positive you'll get a good scholarship. And there's always loans you could take out. Once you're successful you'll pay them off fast."

That took some of the weight off my shoulders. He had a point.

"What do you wanna study anyway?" he asked.

"Business. I want to do something big one day. Run something."

"Business? You have the attitude for it."

I laugh. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"There's something about business majors. I don't know. I just know you'll do great."

"What about you?"

"I don't think I'm going."

"You're not?"

"My dad's been teaching me about the family business for a while. I'm gonna take it over one day."

My heart sinks a little. "And that's what you want to do?"

"It's what I have to do."

"Not necessarily," I say, reaching out for his shoulder. "You seem like a person who doesn't like to conform to others. You're the type to start a revolution, do something unheard of."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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