"Look at me"

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I fixed my skirt as I walked out of the bathroom. The next few classes were a pain in the ass .

School finished and I walked outside to see a bunch of girls surrounding Ashton asking him questions and he stood there , feeding them . Now he has all the worlds best dick suckers on their knees . Dickhead .

I walked straight past him . "Ella hey" he said grabbing me . "Don't touch me" I snapped at him . He looked at me confused. "I'm not even starting this again , I'm going to the gym and then going home , do not , I am saying do not follow me" I said angrily. "Home as in , your home or my home" he said confused. "My home" I said . "Don't talk to me , don't text me , don't even look at me" I said angrily as I walked off . He stood there innocently.

He acts like he did nothing wrong . What the fuck .

I walked to the gym and worked out for about an hour . I walked home to my house . Big mistake.

I opened the door hoping he wouldn't be home but it was worse than that . He was home , drunk and with his friends . Noooo. I desperately tried to leave like I never came in but someone grabbed me and threw me into the center of the room .

"Hey princess" my father whispered into my ear . That cold , deep , cruel voice filling my head and my thoughts . "Father" I said standing up . "I never said you could stand up" he said harshly , kicking me in the stomach . I groaned in pain on the pain on the ground as the 4-5 men that surrounded me , laughed at my pain .

"I'm sorry father" I whispered on the floor . "Now where have you been" he said evilly . "You - you sold me remember" I whimpered afraid to be hit again . "I sold you , why are you back" he said using the knife to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear . "They don't want me" I said. "What" he laughed. "They don't want me" I whispered. "LOUDER" he yelled grabbing me by the throat , forcing me to stand . I struggled for breath as he held me . "They didn't want me" I said choking from him .

"Not even other people would want you , What makes you think , I want you back" he said coldly puffing on his cigarette . "Yeah exactly" he friends jeered. "I could do the washing and pay the bills and - "Shut the fuck up" he snapped viciously slicing my arm. I shrieked in pain and curled up into a ball on the floor .

"I'm sorry" I begged for him stop . "You don't think I can take care of myself , take her fellas" my dad said to them as he walked out to go to the pub where he'd drink until he couldn't walk .

The men stared at me hungrily .

I opened my eyes. I was lying on the shirtless, bruised and beaten from the men . I must've passed out from the pain . I lay on the ground as I felt numb . Blood was everywhere and I don't even know what it was from. Me ? . Of course it was me , it's not like I could fight back .

I lay on the ground afraid that if I move I'd feel pain .

"Ella" I heard Ashton say. He looked around but didn't see me lying on the floor. "Ash"I whimpered on the floor . "Ella" he said worriedly . He didn't hear me . "Ash" I whimpered on the floor. He heard me . He looked down. He froze at what he saw . A skinny , beaten , broken girl lying on the floor shirtless , pale from the cold , black and blue from the beating .

His eyes teared up as he looked at me . He blinked them back. "Ella" he said heartbroken as he approached me . I shut my eyes because I knew that if I kept them open , i would cry .

I didn't say anything I just stared at the couch infront of me as I lay on the floor. "Ella I'm so sorry" he said walking over to me . "Don't" I snapped as he went to touch me . "Ella look at me , your ok now" he said reaching out to me. "No please" I begged shaking with fear and because my adrenaline was running .

I was afraid . I don't know of what . I didn't really know Ashton was Ashton. I just heard his voice . I thought I was imagining things . "I'm sorry" I sobbed . "I - don't know how much more I can take" I wheezed holding my ribs in pain as I sobbed .

Ashton looked sorrowfully at me . "Ella it's me" he whispered gently . "I said I was sorry" I sobbed as he reached towards me . I gently held my cheek and made me look at him . "Hey , Hey , look at me , it's me okay , no one is going to hurt you anymore" he said stroking my cheek with his thumb as I stared emptily at him .

"Ash- Ashton" I whimpered as my vision un-blurred. "Here" he whispered softly as he took his shirt off and put it on me . "Ah ah ah" I whimpered leaning my head against his chest in pain as he crouched down to help me put the shirt on . "Ella , What did they do to you" he asked sadly with regret in his voice . "How did you know where I lived" I whimpered into his chest quietly. "Never mind just , let's get you cleaned up" he said lifting me into his arms .

A tear rolled down my cheek as I got lifted off the floor . Ashton looked at me confused.

He walked me out to his car and took me back to his house . He carried me inside . My eyes became heavy as they started to shut . "Ella" Ashton said . I immediately opened them . "Don't fall asleep ok , just look at me" he said now slightly running being careful not to fall .

He walked into his house and placed me on the counter . I felt so weak . "Ella listen , I know you want to sleep but if you sleep right now , you won't wake up" he warned me . "You promised Mason you wouldn't let anything happen to him , I'm begging you stay awake" he said begging me to keep my eyes open .

I nodded softly as I concentrated on my breathing. I moaned in pain as I shut my eyes . "Hey ,what did I tell you" he said looking at me sternly but I could tell he was worried . "Why are you helping me" I whispered half awake .

"Because you're not the only one with an asshole for a father" he said as he gently dabbed the cloth on my face .

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