"Fuck sake"

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Ashton's POV:
"I think I might be pregnant" she said heartbreakingly .

She looked away from me as she sobbed . "Hey hey hey" I whispered calmly to her. "It's okay" I said stroking her cheek . "It's okay" I said nodding .

"Really?" She asked me . Wait was she crying because she was afraid of telling me . "Yeah it's better than okay" I smiled happily .

"But what if I'm not a good mom" she said to me worriedly. "Don't you ever say that again , I don't want to hear that come out of your mouth" I said hugging her. "You've done an amazing job with Mason , he was practically your son even though he's your brother" I spoke softly with Ella calming down , leaning into my chest . "Yeah you're right" she smiled sniffling .

"I'm what" Mason said staring at us . I felt my heart stop when I heard his voice . I looked at Ella and she stared back at me. "I'm your brother!" Mason said angrily . "Look , it's not what you- I hate you guys!" He yelled as he ran around the corner .

"Fuck sake" Ella said as she punched the wall again . "Hey ! , stop hurting yourself" I demanded angrily . She looked at her hand and hissed in pain .

She stared at me for a moment and then just erupted into tears . "I can't do this Ashton" she sobbed . "I can't" she said shaking her head as tears rolled down her cheeks .

"I don't belong anywhere, I shouldn't even be alive" she whimpered , giving in to the pain . How long had she been feeling like this ? .

"You don't ever say that , do you understand" I said sternly making her look me in the eye . I held her face in my hands . "You belong with me , I belong with you , you're my person" I begged . I begged her because I needed her to believe it , because it was true . I don't know what I'd do without Ella .

"You are my everything , do you hear me" I said as she looked at me weakly with tears still filling up her eyes . Just seeing her hurt wanted to make me kill everything . "I am yours and you are mine" I said to her . "Do you hear me ?" I asked her stubbornly . She nodded slightly .

"I was going to wait till your birthday but there's not point now" I smiled at her . I held out a ring . "It's a promise ring" i said . "A promise ring" she questioned. "I promise that I will never hurt or leave you ever again" I said sincerely. I seen a smile fill her face . "I love you more than life itself" I said as her stroked her cheek. "I love you more than life itself too" she smiled as she put her forehead against mine .

I hugged her . "And don't you ever think you can't talk to me about anything" I said as I held her close to me . Her soft sobs starting again . Every single one was like a knife in my heart .

"How do I explain t-that we came from a monster to Mason" she stuttered with uneven breaths . "I don't know" I sighed . I wish I could tell her , but I can't , I grew up with a different sort of monster .

I put the ring on her finger . "You're my everything" I repeated kissing her .

Ellas POV:
I stood up and walked out of the bathroom . I seen Elio out of the corner of my eye , in the corner . He better not be to blame for this .

"Ella , are you okay" he asked quickly . "Yeah I'm fine" I said annoyed as I walked past him .

Elio smirked to himself as he watched the broken girl chase after her little brother .

"MASON WAIT" I yelled as I ran after him . "No" he said , tears pouring down his face . "I'm your brother!" He hissed at me . "You left me with them !" He shouted at me . "Jace hates me , and dad hated me even more" He yelled at me. "Do you know what that's like" he said frustrated.

"No" I said silently . I lied .

"You left me with monsters , who taught me how to kill someone at the age of 6!" He screamed at me . "And you leaving me here , made me into a monster , because you become what your around if you stay long enough" he spat . "I didn't mean to leave you here" I said to him .

"I didn't mean to leave you with them" I said truthfully. "But I had no intention of coming back when I seen you on tv a week later , looking all happy" I frowned . "They could give you things only I could dream for , I was 17!" I said starting shout . "I had the biggest mafia in the world wanting to kill me and I had my father who also wanted me dead more than anyone" I screamed at him .

He looked at me confused.

"I thought they turned me into the monster but it was you , you're the monster" he said to me looking at the ground . "You could've taken me home with you" He said weeping now . "I didn't have a home" I said looking at him . "All I had was Ashton , until I had nothing" I said . "I went through so much pain , took so many beatings for you , and you call me a monster" I said offended.

"If it weren't for me , dad would've killed you ages ago!" I yelled at him . "Our mom left and dad wanted to kill you or sell you but I didn't let him , I got whipped and tortured till I passed out from pain but it didn't matter cause I had my little brother" I said . "Have you ever even seen my scars" I said to him .

"Scars?" He questioned . "You wouldn't stop crying as a baby and every single time you'd start , I'd get a beating , why? Because I decided I wanted to keep the baby" I said staring at him . "And I don't regret any of it" I said looking at him . "I'd take the beatings a million times over to keep you alive , so sorry if I left you with monsters , but Ashton's not a monster and I knew he'd take care of you for me" I said standing infront of him in the middle of the park .

He stared at me and looked at the ground. "I didn't know" He said upset. "Of course you didn't because I didn't want you to remember him" I said . "But he exists in your nightmares now" I said .

"That's the man from my nightmares , our dad" he said shocked . I nodded . "I need to go home" he said.

I followed him . I took my time . I walked into the house quietly . I slowly dragged my feet up the stairs just wanting to lie in Ashton's arms .

But what I seen next , I'll never forgive .

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