Chapter 1 Unwilling

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I woke up from my bed and stretched my body. It was early in the morning, 6.00a.m. I went to the bathroom,brushed my teeth and took a bath. Then,I dried myself up and opened my closet.

Today was my first day of this mission. Fashion is not my style,so I wore my usual clothes,a black and white dress with knee socks that cover my whole legs.

Also,I brought along my gun. I don't know who may attack but,it's for the best.

I left the room and went to the Ishida estate,near Higashiojima. It's huge,about two hectares large. Two men dressed in black led me into the house.

"Welcome,Miss Tsukino. I've been waiting for you,"Souzen greeted.


"Make yourself at home. My son is inside,why don't you introduce yourself to him?"

"I'll do that later,"I said and ignored him. I started patrolling around the mansion. It makes me feel strange.

"Have I been circling around in circles?"

The fence on this land is well built,so I thought it will be okay for the moment. I walked back to the entrance of the mansion. Souzen's still standing there,keeping an eye on me.

"It's safe outside. Don't worry,"he said.

"...I was just looking for any hole in the fences."

"Come in and have some tea."

I took of my boots and walked inside. It looked totally like a Japanese castle. The furniture and the floor were made based on the Japanese culture and the space in this mansion is totally huge.

"Oh,I didn't know that we had a guest," someone suddenly said.

It was a boy around midage. His head and his right arm was bandaged.

"You are Ryota Ishida?"I asked.

"Why do you know my name? A peer?" he asked confusedly.

"Ryota,she's your bodyguard from now on. She will protect you from the bad guys,"Souzen explained.

"I don't remember requesting a bodyguard,"Ryota said.

"Nevermind,why don't you show her around the house?"


"I'll be okay alone,"I said and started to round the mansion.

That boy suddenly grabbed my hand.

"You'll get lost,like how I did when I first live here,"he said.

"Fine,you'll be ahead of me."

"That's good to hear."

He first led me to the kitchen. It was filled with different kinds of cooking utensils.

"Do you cook on your own?"I asked.

"Let's see...If Dad and Mom are not home,I'll cook myself even though it tastes awful,"he answered.

"Even though you have servants?"

"I want to do my best to not burden them."

I walked around in the kitchen to have a clearer image of it.

"Not to burden anyone..."

"Mm? Did you say something?"he asked.


I picked up a knife which was on the table. I swung it around.

"What are you doing? It's dangerous!"he said loudly in a sudden.

Sympathizer/RetributionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora