Chapter 4 Malevolence

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From behind,I heard a person's chuckle. It was a male's voice.

"I'm right here."

He wrapped his arms around me. He was so close that I could even feel his hair behind my neck.

He slowly traced his lips down my neck,making me to shiver. I quickly pushed him away.

"S-Stop it! What do you think you're doing?!"I asked loudly.

"It's decided. You can't change your fate."

I can't understand any of his words. What does this have to do with my fate?


"You lied to me. And your fate is to die in my hands."

My wound from this morning started to bleed. I shut my eyes. This may be just a dream. I can just end this dream whenever I want.


I can't wake up. I can't wake up from my dream.

"Why? Why?!"

I kept slaping my face hardly. I didn't matter the pain since this wasn't reality. But,no matter how I tried,I could still see Ryota smiling coldly at me.

"I told you,it's decided. It will not change no matter what."

My breathing stopped suddenly. It feels like something's choking my throat.

I can barely open my eyes now. Someone's on top of me,squeezing my neck very tightly. I tried to shake him off,but he didn't even budge.

"Why can't you just die?!"

I can see his face clearly. My guess was right. It was really Daichi. He was the one who tried to drown me and he's trying to kill me now.

" go..."

"If I don't kill you now,you'll kill me later."

I started to lose conciousness when something hit right into his head. He dropped onto the ground and groaned.

"Are you okay,Suzu?!"

In front of the bed stood Ryota,the different one from my dream. I can't tell whether he's pretending or not,but he saved me.

Daichi stood up and glared at Ryota.

"You did it at last,young prince,"Daichi said and smiled.

"We were never in the same world,Ryota. You won't understand the feeling to be hired to kill someone."

"I don't want to do this,Daichi. Just stop this assassination business."

"I won't let you get out of here alive,Ryota. Never."

Daichi ran towards Ryota with a knife drew out from his pocket and stratched Ryota's right cheek. I tried to reach my gun in my pocket but it wasn't there.

Did Daichi disposed of it when I was sleeping?

"Daichi,listen to me! You don't have to do this!"Ryota said as he tried to defend himself from Daichi.

"You know nothing! Why is it you out of all people?! Why did you kill my family?!"

Ryota looked at him shockedly.

"I...killed your family?"he asked.

"Dad was a very strong swordsman,yet he still died in Ishida's hands! What did my Dad do wrong? Why do you have to kill my Mom when she has nothing to do with it?!" Daichi asked tearfully.

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