Part 5

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Leonard allowed you to enter the turbolift before him, following behind with a wide grin. When you turned to look at him, your face lit up. "I can't believe I'm here with you. You don't know the things my mind has come up with this whole time. Leonard..." He moved close to you leaning his forehead against yours speaking quietly.

"I'm so sorry you had deal with that. You have no idea how sorry. I thought of you constantly, I swear. I was trying to do everything possible to assist in getting the Enterprise back within range. Jim knew well enough to request for your transfer here. He signed my name as well as his on it." You laughed quietly leaning in close against him.

"I'm glad to see I have your best friend's approval. I was worried there for a while." Leonard shook his head at you.

"Jim listened to all my drunken stories about you. I think he will be glad to not have to listen so much anymore." The turbolift doors opened, standing there was a beautiful woman in a red uniform dress. A smirk slowly growing as she looked between you and Leonard.

"So McCoy, is this our new doctor? I'm Nyota Uhura, communications officer." Leonard took your arm and moved you out of the lift before answering.

"Yes, Uhura. This is [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. The ship's new doctor." You held your hand out to the woman. Uhura smiled wider as she shook it.

"We have heard so much about you. I think you and I should have a meal sometime soon and I can tell you ALL about the Doctor here." Covering your mouth as you started to laugh. Leonard wasn't having any of it.

"We have a sickbay full of patients. Maybe another time." He dragged you down the hall. Both you and Uhura still laughing.

"Come on Leonard; are you afraid of what she might share with me?"

"Frankly, yes. I don't need you in cahoots with anyone else on this ship." Leaning up on your toes you kissed his cheek lightly.

"I love you. You are stuck with me, so you are going to have to deal with me meeting and getting to know your friends and the Leonard they know." He stopped to look down on you. For that intense moment, he searched your face and eyes for something. You were not sure what it was. However, the barely there kiss he gave you, let you know that he was happy.

"I love you too. I wish I could just kidnap you to my quarters for the next week but work comes first. Let's get this over with." Sickbay was not far from the lifts. The set up was not too different from the medstation back on in York Town, just on a smaller scale. He showed you around, introduced you to the staff and brought you back to the office where you could put your bags for the moment. It felt like a whirlwind but it felt right.

The next twenty-four hours were a crazed mess. You saw more patients in that time than you probably had in months, back home. Everything from broken bones to radiation burns. The whole time Leonard would glance over at you or lean over your shoulder to watch you work. Amazed at how you picked up working in the new place with no issue. The nurses responded well to the new addition. Several mentioning their delight at having another woman to keep the men in line. Even though you had only been there for the day, by the end of it you felt like it was normal for you, as if it was meant to be.

You saw all the patients you had been assigned and now you were trying to keep your head from falling onto the desk. It did not work, and that was how Leonard found you a short time later, sleeping in an awkward position on the desk. He watched you for a few minutes, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that you were here. You were here, working with him and you loved him. The past month had been very difficult. So many scenarios ran through his mind on what you could possibly be doing. Due to his past with the ex-wife, several of the scenarios involved you dropping him and finding someone else who could give you the attention that you deserved. At some point he would tell you about the almost heart stopping joy he felt when he found out you had accepted the transfer. Someday he will tell you. That way you could possibly understand how much he cares for you.

Leonard shook you lightly to rouse you so he could get you to a real bed to rest. He realized that as he helped you out of the medbay, he did not know if your quarters had been assigned or where they would be. So, the next decision was that he was just going to bring you back to his quarters. You were practically sleeping while you stood, dragging your feet as you walked with his help. Once there he sat you on the bed and pulled off your boots. He did not dare to remove anything else. Tucking you under the covers, he kissed your head, whispering his love for you before heading back to the medbay to grab your bags. He wanted to make sure you had something to change into for the morning. Without it looking like the 'walk of shame'. You were in the exact same position when Leonard returned.

He had read your updated medical file before you arrived on the Cerberus. The most recent event of blacking out, with dehydration and improper nutrition had caused him some concern. Leonard had a sneaking suspicion that you probably had not been sleeping well either. As much as he did not want it to, he figured it had something to do with your worry for him. You had lost weight since the last time he had seen you, and you looked exhausted. Nevertheless, you were here with him now and he was going to make sure you never had to worry like that again. He watched your sleeping form for a few minutes before deciding it wise that he sleep on the couch. It was not that he did not want to sleep with you. God, did he want to sleep with you. But he would make sure it was when you were ready for it.

You woke up many hours later feeling more rested than you had in as long as you could remember. At least before the Enterprise went missing. Stretching, you wanted to get all the stiffness and sleep from your body. It took you a moment to realize you were in a bed and not in the medbay, which is where you last remembered being. Sitting up, you looked around finding bits of his life scattered around. You were in Leonard's room. That thought made you warm on the inside. He brought you here to make sure you got the rest you needed. Always the doctor and the gentleman. Climbing out of bed, you went on your search to find him. It was not difficult in the mid-sized quarters. He was still fast asleep on the couch. You sat down on the floor next to him, trying to memorize each and every bit of face that you could. He looked so relaxed as he slept. Far different from the 'I am going to take on the weight of the galaxy' look he wore every moment he was awake. A stray bit of his dark hair had fallen over his forehead. You tried to move it with a brush of your fingers without waking him. But he stirred and opened his eyes. "I have to be dreaming. Or dead, to wake up to that beautiful face." The smile that appeared on your face could have lit the entire ship.

"Definitely not dreaming. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to wake you. I wanted to watch you for a bit longer." He laughed taking your hand and kissing your palm.

"Darlin', you can wake me up anytime." Pulling you up to join him on the couch, he kissed you lightly. You giggled as you returned the kiss with a bit more heat than you intended. That only encouraged him further. He wrapped his arms around you, letting the kiss deepen. As the minutes went by, the passion only increased. Leonard rolled you beneath him on the small couch, moving his lips down your neck. His hand slowly moving up your thigh. You could not stop the gasp that escaped your lips. One of your free hands moving though his hair.

"Commander Spock to Doctor [Y/N]. Please report to Conference room A2 for briefing."

Both Leonard and you groaned loudly. "Damn it. I swear they do it on purpose."

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