Part 13

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There was a ringing in your ears that brought you to the realm of semi-consciousness. So many sounds coming from around you and try as you might you could not make your eyes open. Someone said your name, you tried to turn your head in that direction but your body refused to cooperate. Then there was a warm hand on your forehead. You were sure it was Leonard but you could not assure him you were all right. Everything faded as the darkness pulled you under.

"Damn it, get that blood going on rapid infusion her vitals are still weak." Leonard looked like a lunatic giving out orders with several of the medical team rushing around your bed. So many tricorders and alarms going off as they worked to keep you with them. Jim stood at one of the other beds, glancing in worry over his shoulder as he stayed with the baby. M'Benga was currently looking her over, as Leonard had demanded.

"She is perfect, Captain. No evidence of harm from the abruption. Her vital signs are normal and her blood levels are exactly as they should be. [Y/N] is a smart woman she knew what was going on and she made sure that baby was safe." Looking back to the sweet face of that baby he delivered, Jim could not help but notice the resemblance to you. He only hoped she got your happy, carefree personality and not Leonard's crabbiness.

"Thanks Doc. I know Bones and [Y/N] will be glad to know she is good." Quietly he picked her up and held her, afraid to let her go. He was petrified right now that they would all lose you. Leonard would never recover if you did not make it. Not to be left alone with a newborn that looked just like her beautiful mother. That was just Leonard, if he had to tell the crew you had died delivering your daughter there were going to be many tears. Jim's among them. Your friendship had grown so much in the time you had been aboard, you were almost like the sister he never had. No, he could not lose you either. "Hey Doc..."

M'Benga turned with a knowing smile. "They are doing all they can right now. She lost more blood than... well let's just say it was a lot." They both worried as the team continued their efforts swarming the bed. One of the nurses walked towards Jim.

"Captain, since the doctor cannot feed the baby right now, I need to make sure she is fed. May I take her from you?" The question sounded idiotic in his mind. No, she could not take the baby. He was not letting go of her until Bones or you asked him to. This was his godchild and he would be damned if something happened to her right now.

"No, show me how to feed her. This kid stays with me until her parents are ready for her." The nurse smiled, nodding her head. It did not take long for her to move Jim to one of the quieter exam rooms and explain what he needed to do. Soon the baby was drinking away without an issue. "That's a girl. You should feel honored, kid. You are the first baby I have ever held or fed. Though I'm pretty, sure this will become a common thing. I'm growing kind of attached to you now. I mean look at all the stuff we have been through together already. I promise I will keep you safe, just like your mom and dad will. Your mom is going to be fine. She is too strong to let a little thing like losing all of her blood get her." It was quite some time, which he sat, staring at her as she finished her feeding.

Hours later, the sickbay was quiet. There were no alarms beeping only the quiet tones of the heart monitor on the biobed where your body lay. You became more aware of your surroundings as the pain between your legs roused you. That was a new feeling that you were not overly fond of, but you did just push a baby out. Baby... oh God where was the baby? Was she all right? You fought harder to move your body, this time it responded. Moving your head towards the left, you opened your eyes grateful for the dimmed lighting of the room. The room was empty; you hoped that Leonard was with the baby, keeping her safe. The bed alarmed, signaling the increase in your heart rate as you tried to sit up. "[Y/N], lay down darlin'! Don't try to move too much. You have no idea what your body went through today. You are damn lucky we got you back... We almost lost..."

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