Part 12

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Life back on the ship returned to normal. Well about as normal as a ship full of people, who could not get away from each other for the next several years, could be. Joanna had made her tearful apology to you a few days after returning to the ship. She truly seemed excited to know she would have a sibling in the coming months and asked if she could come visit when the baby was born. Plans would have to be made with Starfleet, but both you and Leonard had hoped it would be possible.

Weeks turned into months rather quickly. It was not long before your uniforms were becoming tighter and a baby bump appeared. While you loved your friends, after the seventh person came up to you to rub your stomach, you lost it. It could have been the hormones, but you made sure that Leonard knew it. You had dragged him into the office with you and went on for a good twenty minutes how everyone seemed to think your abdomen was public domain. It ended with a spectacular display of tears, the likes Leonard had not ever seen from you. Once you had napped and had a dinner consisting of a hamburger dripping with mustard and pickles you were back to your mostly sane self.

Leonard was not sure how he would make it through the next twenty weeks with a crazy pregnant wife. Thankfully, he and Jim shared bottles of alcohol often when you had late shift. It was one of the few things that kept him from launching himself out the airlock. There were also nights that Jim would sit with you completely sober, and just talk about nothing important. There were many jokes and teasing about your crazy hormones but he never took it too far. He was by far the friend that kept things easy and calm. Which was one of the many reasons why you and Leonard sat him down one day to ask him to be the baby's Godfather.

"You want me to do what? Why? I am the last person in the galaxy you want to be a role model for your kid. You two have lost your minds." Jim chugged down half his drink in a go. In his mind, he was petrified and honored at the same time. He was awful around kids. They do all sorts of weird things and smelled even weirder.

You smiled at him knowing that look on his face. "Jim, this baby would not be here without you. You were the one that had pushed both of us to maintain this relationship. Leonard would not be the person he is today without you." This earned a scoffing noise from the grumpy man beside you, to which you kissed his lips lightly before continuing. "Who came all the way to Maine to make sure I didn't leave Starfleet or Leonard?"

Jim looked up from his glass showing half a smile. In his mind, all the things he had done were not a big deal. He did not see it as any extra effort; it was just what people did for their friends.

"But we want you to understand though, if you accept this, it also means if something happens to Leonard and I... We want you to..." Jim held a hand up stopping you.

"If something happens to you and Bones? Meaning I get your kid if you both die? That's what being a Godfather will entail? You want me to take your kid and raise it when you both die? Now I know you both have lost your minds." Leonard sighed loudly setting his face down on the table while you looked at Jim with your own smirk.

"Well this baby has made me a little crazy. But we are serious, neither one of our families are really prepared for something like that. Jim you would be amazing at showing this little one the galaxy. You are brilliant, brave, and you know how to get yourself out of trouble in the blink of an eye. Plus you are backup. I don't plan on dying and leaving my kid for anyone else. Though, neither did my parents... And look what happened there." Your intention had been to keep it light, but the thought of your parents' deaths popped up when thinking about leaving your own baby alone in the galaxy. The somber look on your face softened Jim.

"You both really think I wouldn't screw up your kid?" Leonard lifted his head from the table.

"Jim it's my kid. You can't screw it up any worse than I will." Rolling your eyes, you shoved Leonard's shoulder.

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