Part 8

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One could have heard a pin drop in the silence after Leonard spoke. He looked up at you expectantly as it took you a moment to process how everything had just happened. You mouth hung open a second just before a bright grin appeared. Nodding and screaming "yes", you wrapped your arms around his neck. Everyone gathered cheered and clapped. You could hear Jim hooting and whistling behind where you stood, but you were busy kissing Leonard. He pulled back to look at you with the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face.

"You really mean it?" You answered with a quiet laugh and a nod.

"Yes. I want to marry you Leonard." He kissed you again in his excitement, while the group around you had started to disperse. While they were all happy for you, they wanted to start their leaves. Leonard slipped his arm around your waist holding you tightly to his side. As you descended from the docking ramp he kissed your forehead pulling his bag over his free shoulder. He did not want to let you too far from him. Both of you smiling like fools in your shared happiness. "I can't believe you have been hiding that from me, Leonard. I was starting to worry."

"You have nothing to worry about darlin'. I would have asked you to marry me that first night if I wouldn't have scared you away. You took my breath away from the first time I saw you in that bar turning Jim down for a dance. I feel like the luckiest man alive right now, [Y/N]." Just by the look on his face you knew he meant every word.

The shuttle ride to Georgia was pleasant other than Leonard and his flight anxiety. One would think that after all the time he spent on the Enterprise that his anxiety would have decreased. With larger ships it had gotten better, but he was about to crawl out of his skin with a smaller craft. Several times you had to kiss him to distract him before he tried breaking out one of the windows and jumping out. By the time the shuttle landed he ran out of the doors first breathing deep. "Bout damn time, thought that thing was never going to land."

You laughed as left the shuttle, both bags in your arms. "Leonard, what am I going to do with you?"

He looked over at you with a smirk, "I can think of a few things but we better not be late or Momma will be after us both." Leonard grabbed both bags leading you towards the exit. The ride to the McCoy home was beautiful. Georgia was so green and pretty. You could not stop smiling as you stared out the window. When you pulled up to the old southern home his mother was standing on the porch waiting. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled up into a loose bun on top of her head with tendrils falling down around her face. Her light blue dress moved with the Georgia breeze.

"Well look at you two. You are a sight, that's for sure. Leonard hun you get up here and give me a hug." He smiled as he embraced his mother tight.

"It's good to see you momma. We are glad to be here. This is my... well my fiancée now, [Y/N]. [Y/N] this is my mother, Margaret." You held out your hand to her but she grabbed it and pulled you into a tight hug.

"We hug here, my dear. Especially if you are going to be a McCoy. I'm so happy. Leonard you sure picked a pretty one, smart too. Another doctor. I hope that means you will be givin' me more smart grandbabies." Blushing brightly, you wiped the hair out of your face. "Come on you two, I got dinner waiting on ya."

You couldn't remember the last time you had a home cooked meal. It was wonderful and felt like a family. Margaret asked many questions of you. She wanted to know all about the woman who was going to be her new daughter in law. There was a lot of laughter as all three of you told stories and jokes. It was wonderful hearing how Leonard was a child. Before the mess that his ex-wife had created within him. Joanna was due to arrive in two days much to the happiness of Leonard and Margaret. Jocelyn kept Joanna away from her grandmother as much as she did her father.

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