Part 6

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You made yourself look mostly presentable before heading to meet with Commander Spock. There was not time to shower but at the very least, you pulled a clean uniform out of your pack and brushed your hair. After the previous day, you were still feeling exhausted. As was Leonard as he took a rather cold shower. There were dark circles under his eyes as he gave you a kiss and a half smile before you left for your briefing.

"Thank you for meeting with me Doctor [Y/N]. I will attempt to make this gathering brief. This PADD has the information regarding your quarters assignment, as well as information for chain of command regulations. As your Chief Medical Officer, Doctor McCoy, has more information that will pertain to the regulations of the Enterprise's medical staff. You will be assigned to alpha shift for now with Doctor McCoy as Doctor M'Benga prefers beta shift." Spock continued with several other items about your new position and the ship. It was probably another ten minutes before he sent you on your way to find your quarters.

It took little time to find your quarters. They were one deck below sickbay and several decks away from Leonard's. That was either going to be a good or bad thing. Your quarters were not large but you would be comfortable. Some place you would be able to make home for the near future. Your only hope now was that you were going to be able to adapt easily to life on a star ship. Living for the last few years in York Town and on Earth for several before that. The only experience you had with ships were a few short-term missions to different bases to assist in setting up medical facilities. This was far different. Leonard was there though. That one thing could make anything else tolerable.

As you left your quarters, heading back to Leonard's to pick up your belongings, Uhura walked up the corridor. "[Y/N], good morning. Exploring the ship?" Her smile was friendly.

"No, I was just on my way to get my things so I can unpack. I'm tired of living out of bags. I want to be able to settle in, and figure out a place on this ship." The woman nodded to you.

"I understand that feeling. Try not to let Doctor McCoy monopolize your time, too much. I was serious about getting together some time. It will be nice to have another female in crazy crew."

"Doctor McCoy to Doctor [Y/N], report to sickbay, please." You sighed lowering your head. Uhura laughed.

"At least he uses 'please' with you. We get 'now'. I will let you get to work. Remember we are going to talk." She walked off in the opposite direction with her ponytail swinging behind her while you headed to the sickbay.

The scene there was only slightly calmer than when you arrived there the previous day. Nurse Chapel handed you a PADD with information about the next patient that needed seen. You smiled at Leonard as you saw him across the room. He returned the smile before motioning to you to get to work. The rest of the day continued with brief glances and more smiles between patients. Working in the sickbay by the end of the shift felt like old hat. You fell into an easy routine with the nurses that kept the flow of the patients going. Leonard was impressed, having to stop and watch you several times throughout the day. Many times without you knowing. You were far more talented than your record had shown and he no longer felt guilty for using his and the Enterprise's status to bring you onboard.

After reporting off to Doctor M'Benga, you went to find Leonard. Of course, he was in his office working on whatever reports he needed to finish for the day. "Should I wait or am I going to be eating alone?" He looked up from the terminal with a smile. Something that everyone noticed was appearing more often.

"No darlin', I am just finishing up. I had to send more information back to Star Fleet about the issues over the last month, medical wise. All the supplies and injuries, the boring stuff. You ready to eat? I am starving." You nodded as he stood up to walk around the desk.

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