Part 21

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You stomped through the corridors for nearly thirty minutes before you happened across Nyota. She gave you an odd look as you were grumbling under your breath not paying attention to anyone. "Aren't you supposed to be happy after such a leave and seeing your family? You look like you want to kick someone's ass."

Her voice caught you off guard and caused you to stop suddenly, looking up at her. "Oh, Nyota... yeah.. umm I do want to kick a couple asses. I am just... I am trying to cool off before I do or... well say something I will regret."

"Oh that bad. Is it a certain doctor and captain that both shall remain nameless?" Nyota raised a brow as she leaned against the wall. There was a hint of amusement on her lips. You sighed loud and rubbed your face.

"Always those two. Even when they aren't together, they are driving me crazy. I just needed... I needed to get away and cool off for a little bit." The other woman smiled as she nodded.

"I understand. Come on, we can talk in my quarters for a while. Let you cool down and let those two stew in whatever mess they made this time." It was then you noticed Nyota still had her bag slung over her shoulder.

"Oh no... you have not even had a chance to unpack. I can deal with them for now. I will be fine." Shaking her head, she grabbed your hand and began to pull you along with her in towards her quarters.

"You are coming with me. We haven't had a good talk in a while. Plus, I think you need to tell me what idiocy they committed this time so I can give them shit for it later." You laughed quietly and let her bring you along. It would be nice to have someone else to talk to about it. Maybe make you feel like you were not a complete bitch for being so mad at them both.

Once you arrived in her quarters you sat on her bed while she unpacked her bag. "Tell me you at least had a good leave before they did whatever they did. [Y/N], I know you needed the mental break and to be able to spend time with your family again. Especially Analynn. Speaking of which how is that sweet girl?"

Laughing you shook your head. "Which do you want to know first?"

Nyota smiled that beautiful smile of hers before turning back to fold her clothes. "Sorry, I know lots of questions. Tell me about leave first."

Sighing you leaned your head back against the wall. "It was really nice actually. I got to see and spend time with both families. I don't think I have seen anything that made me cry like I did watching my grandfather play with the baby. She just loved him so much. I am so lucky that I still have him around to meet her and love her like that." Your eyes started to tear up again just thinking about it.

"I can imagine. I think I will feel the same if I ever have a child and my family would be able to spend time teaching him or her." Grinning at that thought you looked at Nyota. "What?"

"Could there be that possibility in the future? Some little quarter Vulcans running around the Enterprise?" She shook her head quickly then waved a hand at you.

"No don't even talk about that right now. That whole thing is complicated enough right now without even bringing up the possibility of bringing a child into the mix. Next subject." You laughed harder this time, which in all honesty felt really good. It relaxed you from the tension that had been there since you stepped back on board.

"Alright I will leave you alone about that particular subject for the moment."

"Good." Nyota looked relieved as she finished her unpacking and moved to sit on the bed across from you, folding her legs beneath her. "Now, how is Analynn?"

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