Chapter 5

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I would say that this week hasn't been so bad but I would just be lying to you. This week was full of torture and pushing and shoving. Especially by that real life barbie doll, whose name I found out was Kellie.

I really don't know what her problem is, I mean I stayed away from Adrian even though I didn't even want to be near him in the first place. Also what the heck is all the other peoples problem I didn't do anything to them but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they are friends with Kellie. You want to know why? Well maybe it's the fact that I've seen almost half of them talking to her when they think I'm not around. Trying to be sly but it's not really working.

Anyways I finally got home and I bee-lined straight to my room without sparing a glance at my mum or anything at all. It was almost like in was in a trance it was that or my bed was calling me. 

I only got a few minutes to rest in my bed when I heard something repeatedly hitting my bedroom window. At first I thought it was just the branches from the neighboring tree outside my room but then it just became more frequent that it just annoyed the heck out of me. Whatever or whoever is creating that sound is gonna get a hell, I'm not even joking. I had a really bad week.  I opened the window only to see the one and only Adrian Hall.

"What the fuck do you want?" I yelled down 

"You'll find out when you come down" He shouted back 

"Yeah that ain't happening" I replied 

"Well if you aren't coming down I'll come up" He challenged wearing that stupid smirk

"Oh yeah how do you plan to do that?" I questioned only to be answered with him running off somewhere. A few seconds later the doorbell rang and only then did I realised what he was doing but before I had time to react my mum shouted from downstairs  "Mia your boyfriends here!" 


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