Thirty Seven

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We stayed with him till he won his game.. I was so happy because he'd been stressing the fuck out... we were all in the stadium celebrating. Fans coming up to us to take pictures with Onika and Odell. That night, we all had dinner in Odell and i's hotel room. I gave the twin to the nannies and Odell took me to his room.
As I locked the door behind me, he came, grabbed me and we went to the bed.
Me: somebody definitely missed me
Him: you know it... and I intend to show you tonight.
Me: well get on with me daddy
He took his shirt off while biting his lips..
It went down baby!!!!
So later on, we all flew back to NYC and I decided to call another meeting... Consisting of Aubrey, Bernice, me, Odell, onika, Amber, Chris , August and some others.....
They all gathered in my house and Odell opened the floor for discussions.
Odell: hello everyone, thank you so much for coming to this little gathering, I hope we'll be able to take something sensible from it
Bernice scoffed... I made a deadly eye contact with her...
Me: you better shut the fuck up,
Her: what did you just say to me?!!
Odell was already holding me back
Me: bitch I don't care if you're older than me, I WILL JUMP YO ASS!
She started screaming and trying to come for my wig...sike bitch, but it was already a commotion
Me: dusty ass bitch!!! Stupid ass bitch! Weak ass bitch!!!
Aubrey and the boys managed to settle the whole thing.
Odell: Aubrey, starting with you,
Bernice: only I call him Aubrey.
Me: y'all see why I wanna pop this bitch in the mouth?
Odell ignored her and went on.
Him: so, Aubrey, what are your plans from here on out, you can't keep playing these two women.. we're like a whole family and all this commotion that you and Bernice are causing is making us fall apart. I barely talk to the other niggas anymore.
Aubrey: I know... I miss my Onika...
Bernice: what?
Onika: missed me with that bullshit boy. You betta get shit right.
Aubrey: I'm not playing Onika... you're my first love and will for ever be..... I'm sorry I had to leave you for Bernice...
Onika: Aubrey... I'm not a time clock
Bernice: that's exactly what you are sis
She looked at Bernice
Onika: and that's why you'll forever be the baby mama to half of the men in NYC, you can't keep ya mouth and ya raggedy legs closed! All them niggas done ran through you like a broken door. Stupid piece of shit, you better shut that ass up.
Me: preach sista.
Amber: Bernice you better respect yourself. You're a mother, what will you teach your kids?
Bernice: nobody better come for me or my kid! Okay? I bust my ass everyday making sure I'm there for my child and provide her with everything she needs!!! So nobody come for me! And as for you Aubrey! Why the fuck are you switching up?
Him: huh?
Her: wasn't you in my house this morning blowin my motherfucking back out??? Telling me how much you love me and all that crap? Now you wanna get back to this thing? *pointing to onika*
Onika smiles and shook her head.. how does she have so much self control.. I woulda stood up and dragged her by her weave.
Amber: just sit down please... as I said, respect civilized. Two minutes into the meeting and your baby sister already wants to jump you... stop running that mouth... it's your own bad voodoo..
Odell: Onika what do you gotta say to Aubrey?
Her: I'm done with him, listen *facing Aubrey* you do this shit to me every time, you go out, fuck other bitches and then come back to me and tell me you love me, I ain't got time for that no more, bye.
Aubrey: but-
Her: shut up..
Odell: well.... it looks like we won't be getting back from that.. what else is there to say?
Amber: what are your plans Bernice?
Bernice: plans for what?
Amber: why did you come to NYC? Like... did you get a job offer?
Her: I just wanna be close to my family...... I love all my sisters and my brother... I don't want to loose them... I just do things to get attention..... I'm depressed and lonely..
Honestly I began to feel for her
Odell: um.... Brianna... there's something I have to tell you
Me: I'm listening..
He came and knelt down in front of me.
Me: what's the matter?
As soon as he was about to speak, someone walked in.. Alexis Sky... we used to be good friends but we moved away from where we were.
Me: Hey Lexi... you're the last person I expected to see here...
Alexis: so he hasn't told you then. Odell why didnt you tell her?
Chris: damn bro why you ain't tell her since?
Me: tell me what?
Onika: uhhh what?
Odell: so Brianna... i..... she..
I began to get angry.. I knew where this was going.
Me: better speak up
Alexis: I'm carrying his baby....and i'm 2 months pregnant
There was silence...
I could hear my heart beat and I'm sure others could hear it too.. I was sweating.... my eyes filled with tears....
Me: say it ain't so
Amber: uh uh, Odell you ain't bout to do my baby sister like that!!
Bernice: that's really fucked up!!!!!
Me: Chris, you knew!!!!! You fucking knew and you ain't tell me!!!!
Aubrey: Odell... bro, say it's a lie
Odell: it's... it's true..
I was maaaaaddddd!!
Me: Odell... I gave you twins.... two beautiful girls.. and you still went ahead to cheat on me!!!! Fuck you!
Odell: you cheated on me with Michael tho.. and I forgave you didn't I?
Me: I DIDNT HAVE KIDS FOR HIM! You took the dna test on our girls didn't you... you are the father and you saw physical results!!!! And I even told you!!!! I'm totally oblivious to this Cornelius!!
Him: how did you know?
Me: because the doctor told me... what are you? 17??????
Him: babe. It was the pressure of the games that made me do it.. I wasn't reaching my goal, nothing was working out
Alexis just sat there..... said nothing at all.
Me: TOTAL BULLSHIT....Odell.. youre not going to see those girls again.. bet!!
Odell: Brianna wait!
I ran upstairs to cry my heart out with my sister and my best friend behind me..

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