Thirty Eight

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For two months, I lived with my sister Amber. My brother had gone back to Paris... my parents were mad..... I was devastated....ivy and Iris were months old and I didn't want my bad energy to reflect on them.... so I tried to Forget him.... I filed for a divorce but he refused to sign the papers, stating that I was still his wife and still very much in love with him.....
One night, all the girls were around... we all had our kids on the fur carpet that amber had while we sat by them talking about stuff...
Bernice: so how's everybody doing?
Onika: majesty is a trouble maker y'all. This girl will crawl on me all night trying to make me play with her, knowing that she's slept through the day..
Me: ivy and iris are sleep mongers. Ivy will then wake up and start crying, iris wakes up and stares into space and then looks at her sister like "what the fuck is wrong with you sis"?
Everyone bursted into laughter.
Bernice: so Brianna. Have you spoken to your husband
Me: he's not my husband anymore..... he refused to sign the papers.
Amber: why?
Me: ........
Onika: sis?
Me: *wiping a tear off my cheek* because he doesn't wanna let go.
They all came to hug me as I cried my eyes out..
It was already all over the news... Odell has a new baby with another woman and I have to contend with another woman for the attention of my husband!.. fuck no.
Me: girls, I'm fine... let's just have fun... I'm trying to be strong for my babies...
We had fun all night and the next day, work began for all of us..
I was running errands and I bumped Into an old friend of mine. Dominic Woods aka Sage the Gemini.
Dominic: Brianna?
Me: Dominic?
I ran to hug him.
Me: oh my gosh it's been so long!!! Where have you been!! I only see you on tv now..
Him: it's been soooo busy for me. But hey look at you, looking fine and shit. How are you and my bro Odell.
I paused
Me: you didn't hear what happened?
Him: babygirl i've been busy as hell these days.
Me: um.... I'll explain everything to you later... when will you be free?
Him: tomorrow night.. I'll come over to your place...
Me; I'll be expecting you.. we hugged and parted place...
that night, I was on Instagram and I saw a pic of us hugging on the shade room captioned "Brianna and sage the Gemini #newbae
Me: no no no no!!! Stupid paparazzi....
I got a call from Odell
Me: what do you want?
Him: So you with Sage now? Huh?
Me: not tonight Odell..
Him: Brianna I just wanna know before everyone else does...
Me: no I'm not with him. Goodnight
And I hung up. He tried calling again but I didn't pick.
My doorbell rang and I opened it to see Dominic
Him: fancy house..
me: don't make me laugh Dominic, come in.
Him: I just realized that I haven't seen the twins yet.. can I see em?
Me: sure.
I took him to their room and showed them to him. He picked ivy up first.
Him: she is so cute. Hey mama
She smiled at him and started cooing.
Iris started cooing, wondering what was going on. He put ivy back and picked iris up.
Me: hmm they like you.... usually they cry around strangers...
He smiled
Him: it's the Gemini effect
I laughed and said "shut up"
We went downstairs and I gave him some food while telling him what's had been going on.
Me: and then he told me that he had slept with Poly and now they're expecting a baby.
Sage: yo that's fucked up, at first when I heard it I didn't believe it. You know how sometimes the news be so fake. It must hurt soo bad.
Me: I'll survive...
we spoke for the rest of the evening and before he went home, he promised to come check up on me, which I appreciated.
I hadn't told my sisters that I was with Sage that night because I didn't want ideas popping into their heads.. but I bet they already saw the news from the shaderooom because my phone was blowing up with FaceTime calls.
We did a group call and amber was the first to talk.
Amber: is it true?
Me: no
Bernice did y'all hook up?
Me: no
Onika: did you kiss him?
Me: nooo you guys!!
I'm gonna breastfeed, bye!
They were about to start and I cut the call..
Odell texted me
Him: can I come see them... my daughters... I miss them.
I ignored the text and went to attend to my daughters...
He face-timed me as i was breastfeeding Iris and i picked up
Me: what?
Him: Brianna please
Me: I do not need you around my kids right now... okay? I don't want your bad energy around them at such a young age. You aint think about this before fucking on another bitch huh?
He was silent so i ended the call....Talmbout "i wanna come see my girls"... Bullshit

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