Chapter 6 || Accepted ||

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[ Accepted ]

          The night sunk in and what was left was nothing but the serene moon. All was silent and peaceful but Ji Xie Yue couldn't close her eyes.

" No "

Silence filled the air. Ji Xie Yue couldn't care less if the world was ending. She used to be a deity for thousands of years and had a human modern life. She lived enough.

" I see. You must be tired from your travel. I'll prepare a room for you."

         Song Cui smiled and stood up to prepare her room.

" Why"

         Ji Xie Yue kept thinking of Song Cui's smile. She had always been perceptive of people thus she noticed a sudden change in Song Cui's mood. It felt down.

I should sleep.

         Ji Xie Yue tossed and turn but she couldn't forget. Song Cui's smile was identical to her older sister. The smile when she tried to cover her pain. Ji Xie Yue frowned at the thought. It's been so many years and they're not even under the same sky yet she still couldn't forget her older sister. She loved her too much that it caused her pain and regret.

Ji Xie Yue's thoughts engulfed her in darkness and soon she found herself aimlessly floating in her nightmare.



I recognized that voice

" Ji-Ji!"

          Ji Xie Yue opened her eyes and saw two beautiful grey orbs looking at her.

" You've been sleeping all afternoon. Mom and dad is calling for us."

          A voice full of warmth and love spoke to her. It's her sister. For a long time, she didn't dreamt the blazing forest nor the flowing blood but her sister smiling at her.

" Ji What's wrong? You're spacing out."

          Before Ji Xie Yue could reply, she heard other voices that she longed for dearly.

" Mei lin! Xie Yue! The food is ready."

" Coming! Let's go Ji-ji!"

A warm hand grabbed her and together they ran down the hall. Ji Xie Yue was met at the sight of her mother preparing the table. Her mother looked like the last time she saw her. Her beautiful brown hair was neatly braided and framed her oval shaped face. Her grey eyes sparkled with delight when she saw her two girls standing at the door frame. Pink cherry lips called their names and ordered them to sit on the table before the food gets cold with the tone of a mother. After a second, another voice called out behind her.

" The food that you make never fails to amaze me darling"

A husky voice teased.

" You got lucky to have me as your wife, darling"

Her mother jokingly replied as she hugged and kissed the figure behind her. It was her dad. He still possessed the proud and elegant aura surrounding him with his crystal crimson eyes and midnight black her. It was often said that she and her father were two peas of a pod and that if she were to be a man she would look like her father. Elegant and proud with fox like features.

We were happy

It took everything in Ji Xie Yue to hold her tears but she failed. Her eyes reddened and big drops of tears trickled down her small chubby face. This surprised her family and all three of them rushed up to her with concern.

" Are you okay Ji-Ji?"

Mei Lin asked with concern at her sister crying. Ji Xie Yue couldn't reply. Two strong arms carried her and deep crimson orbs mirrored in her eyes.

" Did someone upset my baby girl? Tell your father who caused you such grievances."

" That's right my darling"

Her mother gave her a soft kiss in her forehead.

" Tell mother as well and I will make sure that whoever bullied my daughter will be wiped out from the face of this earth. "

Her mother's warm smile and tone wouldn't match to the terrifying words that she said. Ji Xie Yue couldn't help but smile. This was her beloved family. Two small arms reached out to them. Ji Xie Yue smiled and said only one thing.


The family laughed and embraced her in their loving warmth. But it was only for a short moment. Slowly, their warmth disappeared and what replaced her loving family was a blazing forest. Desperate shouts of her mother and father's voice echoed in her ears telling her and her sister to stay safe. After that, the chase began. Ji Xie Yue found herself running on the same bloodied ground with her sister. Fear and despair slowly strangled her as they both fought their way to safety.

" Kill every single one of them!"


Her sister hid her and left her again.

" Find them!"


          Rage built inside her. Dare to harm her family again! She must not let even a single ash remain. Ji Xie Yue followed and saw the people who attacked them. She saw one of them control fire on the palm of their hand and directed it towards her sister. Immediately, she placed herself in front of sister to protect her but it didn't do anything. It simply passed through her and what she heard was that familiar voice in deep agony and pain. She was about to turn around when warm hands covered her eyes.

" Don't torture yourself anymore."

          Song Cui's voice enveloped her.

" Let me go"

          A calm voice uttered.

" Wake up Ji-Ji"


          Song Cui looked at the still figure laying in bed. Concern was evident on her face as she watched that familiar crimson eyes be flooded with tears. Song Cui's heart pained at those eyes slowly being filled with void. In a flash, Song Cui found herself  roughly thrown on the bed with a blade pressed upon her neck. She could feel warm liquid flowing down.

" Is this how you get me to agree? By warping my memories and instigating me to get my revenge"

          Ji Xie Yue clearly saw the attacker use internal force which could only mean one thing — they came from this world. This explains why after so many years, despite becoming the greatest assassin she could not find any lead of those who murdered her family. Hatred and a hint of insanity slowly filled Ji Xie Yue's eyes. Song Cui calmly looked and explained.

" I didn't warp your memories. Your experience in this world simply triggered the last things that you saw."

" Why did they kill my family"

           A calm voice asked yet terror filled the air. Even Song Cui who was a deity felt suffocated.

" There are roads that one should not venture into. You have two choices. You can go back to your world and treat everything as if all was a dream or you can stay and fight. "


          Song Cui patiently waited for her answer. She saw the little girl's eyes slowly burn and with a heart-stopping smile, the beautiful girl replied.

" Tell me."

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