Chapter 6

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I wanted to say "ohhhhhh burned" but I shut my mouth. Instead I let out a small but silent chuckle. The table went silent. So I decided to lighten the mood up.
"Hey Glimmer want to work on the project later."
'Sure thing"
"What about you, Shortie" says Cato.
"Number 1, don't call me that. Number 2, I have plans and number 3, there not with you." Said Clove agrantly
I decided to let it out.
"Ohhhhhh burned!!!!" I shouted
He smacked me hard.
"Ouch" I said. "What was that for you could have just said shut up. You didn't need to slap me that hard. Now my face is red."
"It was red to begin with" he said.
"Oh you wanna go." I say.
"Bring it."
We both yelled out at the top of our lungs...

"FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!"

Cato tried to throw a stinky piece of cheese at me. And I don't mean stinky. That's understatement of a word. I meet a cheese that would make you throw up, pass out or even die. That's how bad cafeteria food can be.
I dodge and it hit Clove. Oh snap he's in trouble.
"I'll leave you two b-" I try to say until the intercom goes off.
"We're in trouble aren't we." I say

We go over.
"Umm Sr. The intercom microphone is still on...." Says Cato.
"Im sorry students about the loud noise I insure you that two of our students started a food fight. I know, how childish. If you know any information who else or why they started this, please come to my office." He finished

5 minutes later we hear a knock on the door.
"Come in" said Snow.
Clove came in.
"Ms. Clove how may I help you." Snow said politely."
"I have information about the food fight."
"Go on."
"Well Marvel said this joke that made 'Cato' get triggered and Marvel started throwing food at us. Being the gentleman Marvel was he threw back food at Cato and now we're here." Clove lied.
When she said Cato she rolled her eyes at it. She's a good liar I have to admit.
"Marvel you are excused" said Snow.
"Thank you, sir."
"Just don't tell a joke in front of Cato that would make him triggered. He seems to be short tempered."
"Sure, thing sir."

I get out of the office with Clove and Glimmer was behind the door.
"Thanks Clove." I say
"I wasn't doing it for you, I did it for Karma."
"Well im gonna pray he's out in one piece."
"I hope he's not" says Clove.
"Hi Glimmer" I say.
"Oh hi Marvel."
"Any news since the last 5 minutes.
"No nothing much."
"Are we still doing that project later?"
"Yeah, can I have your number?"
"Sure" I say while giving her my phone.
"Thanks you free at 4?"
"I'll send you the number to my dorm than."
Than Cato finally came out of the office.
"What punishment" says Glimmer.
"Clean-up duty for the next week and detention for the next month."
"That's harsh" I say.
"Not harsh enough" says Clove.
"Rude much. Anyway if your plans aren't with me tonight for our project who's it with Shortie." Asks Cato
"My boyfriend." Clove replies.
"I guess you probably have a boyfriend too don't you Glimmer." I say sounding happy. I'm a good actor apparently.
"Actually I don't." Glimmer says.
We hear Cato and Clove arguing in the background.
"What's the commotion" I decided to say.
"The fact that she told on me and not you for the food fight."
"I think that Marvel would be a better partner." Says Clove
"Unfortunately I can't" I say.
It's not really unfortunate I get to work with Glimmer. Besides they were a match made in heaven. I decided not to say that out loud. Wait....
Holy duck.
This is crazy.

We go to our next class. Self-defense. We are allowed to choose one weapon and one weapon only for the whole year. We're not allowed change or attack others.
I chose a spear. Cato chose a sword. (He could be Cloves knight in not-so shiny armour.) Speaking of Clove, Clove got throwing knives. She must never miss with those. And Glimmer. Well she got a bow and arrow. Katniss that girl, also got a bow and arrow. After class was over I went over to Glimmer. I say some guy kicking, punching and using a knife against her back.
"Not a hot cheerleader now are we."
I am taller and bigger than him. I also now how to use my spear real well and he knows this.
"Leave her alone!" I say.
"And who are you to say this to me."
"Her boyfriend!"

I'll just leave now."
He ran of  bumping into snow. Haha sucker. I hear him get shouted at but I let him be.
"Umm.. sorry I called me your boyfriend Glimmer."
"It's okay. Oh and call me Glim."
"Okay Glimme- I mean Glim."
"So why are you here."
"Well first of all I was looking for you. Secondly I wanted to get something from my locker."
"Well do you wanna go over to my dorm and work on the project."
"Sure. Let me get something out of my locker first.

Authors note: I finally watched the first movie. My books that my dad ordered, should be here in 2 days and my dad won't let us (my brother and I) watch Catching fire until I read the book. That will probably be the same with Mocking Jay. I probably won't get to be having characters like Finnick and Johanna until a month or two time. I'm sorry for the long wait. To make it up I will try to post more often. I still have homework though.

Words: 1003

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