Chapter 27

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No one

Marvel finally got the courage to knock on the girls dorm door. Everyone was getting impatient.

Clove answers the door in a pair of sweatpants and a Star Wars top.

“Glimmer, get your butt over here. ”

“I'm coming, I'm coming. ”

“Well you ought to hurry because your boyfriend will leave without you. ”

“No I w-” Marvel began as Clove elbowed him.

“If you say that we'll be here until 4 am and I don't wanna wait that long. ” Clove whispered to Marvel.

Cato and Katniss chuckled.

“I'm here. ” Glimmer said apperaing in how Clove done her style. Glimmer had to add stuff to show her true nature so she had classic makeup.

Marvel was blushing. Mad blushing.

“Well let's go! ” Cato said nudging Marvel in a way that snapped Marvel out of staring at his date.

They hop in the minivan and they had to fit everyone in.


Apperantly Marvel had two pull up seats in the middle of his minivan.

“So when Clove and I didn't get along you couldn't have put us there instead of the back! ”

“Yeah, and? ”

“She attacked me. I have a scar on my back!”

“It was a small scar.”

“Its flipping 12 inches long.”

“Yeah, like I said small.”

Everyone just looked at Clove. She gave everyone an innocent look. Damn she's cute. Wait what?! I shouldn't be thinking about her in that way!! She is only a friend. But she is cute.

“Err.. EARTH TO CATO?” I hear Peeta say moving his hand in front of my eyes.

“Huh? Oh yeah.”

We've been driving for five minutes and mostly in silence.

“Y'know Marv, when you go on a date you usually don't drive in a minivan and invite 6 mates with ya!”

“Hm.. And how would you do it? Imagine you were asking Clove on a date. How'd you do it?”

I'm gonna murder him.

“Well, instead of asking her in our dorm I'd do it in a fabulous manor.”

“More like terrible.” Clove muttered under her breath.

“Well, I'm talking about how'd I'd ask you out, don't interrupt me.”

“Sorry.” She says sarcasticly.

“Apologe excepted. Now, first I'd play football (soccer) with her and get her donuts. ”

“That is more like a date.” Finnick says.

“Donut interrupt me! As I was saying, than I'd ask her.”

“wow... Finnick is right, it'd be like a date.” Peeta says.

“I second that, or is it third it?” Katniss asks

“Well I think so as well.” Annie says.

“Nah, it's more like a casual thing,” Glimmer says.

“You've never been on a date before have you?” Katniss asks.


“So we have Cato and Glimmer, from the strongest districts and both being sort of attractive people but neither have been on a date.” Finnick says.

“Finnick,” Marvel says, “Glimmer isn't sort of attractive, she is attractive. But Cato isn't.”

“Hey!” I say.

We have a bit more arguing and we finally get out of the van.

We went to see Endgame; which was awesome. And than Mc Donald's.

It was finally time to go home Marvel said that him and Glimmer will be watching another movie in our dorm. So Clove and I took the bus home.

When we finally was at Clove's dorm and than we saw it...

A/N. What did they see? Or who? And why is this author take so long to post?

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