Chapter 25 (¾ done)

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I run. Run as fast as I can. I run past the district 2 mall. Past the Decorations store. They had Halloween decorations because, well, it's October 6th.

I finally get to my house. It has a bunch of decorations. As usual. There are spiders that are bigger than me. There are jack-o'-lanterns and all.

“It's another 25 days 'till Halloween” I mutter to myself.

I knock four times. I knock a fifth and I hear a voice.

“Coming.” I hear the voice say, I knew with that voice it was my mother.

The door opened. I couldn't see anyone at the door. I hear the words “BOO!” behind me. I jump with that jumpscare and I see my mom.

“Mom! I almost had a heart attack! ” I say while panng heavily. She scared me to death.

“Sorry- WAIT IS THAT YOU CATO?!! ” She says basically screaming it out.

“Yeah Mom it's me. ”

“How- How-How-” She says shocked and taken aback.

“Well dad's childhood friend's daughter goes to my school and we're friends. I think. So it's her birthday today and I was her escort to here. I did pay for her ticket though. Also her dad offered us to dinner today.”

“How long can you stay?” She asks, looking like she is believing this is a dream.

“About an hour and 15 minutes, and we are going to the dinner in 15 minutes.”

“Ok. I'll call your father. ”

She called Dad and we got ready for dinner.


Cato and his family are coming over soon as well as Megan. Megan was and still is by best childhood friend.

Megan comes about ten minutes early (as usual) and we chat for a bit.

“So... Any cute guys?” She says with a wink. Typical Megan.

“N-No.” I say. Gosh, I stuttered.

“Sure, who is not the cute guy?” She says knowingly getting on my nerves.

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door.

‘Must be Handley.’ I think to myself as I get up to answer the door.

“Hello. Are you the Kentwells? ” A man asks. I know from his looks, as dad said, was Cato's dad. He looked so much like him.

“Yes, this is. You must be the Handleys. ”


“Come in. Make your self at home.”

We eat dinner and had a lot of chat. It is a delicious meal. It is obvious Mom cooked it. The is everything you can eat.

After about an hour I say goodbye to Megan, (and promis her I'll call her tomorrow,) and say goodbye to my family.

Cato and I went to the station and got a few bits of candy on the way.

After the Journey (because I'm lazy and it's 10 minutes to 12)

We get of the train and we head over to the sports Hall. I think this is very suspicious but I don't say a word. The truth is... I think I like like Cato Handley.

We go into the hall and I see ...

Words: 506

A/N- Most likely I won't post much at the moment, for now.

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