Gray's Journey To The Village

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Hey guys for the next 2-3 chapters it's all gonna be about Gray and the rest of Team Natsu. Juvia just stays in Magnolia waiting for Gray because she doesn't know where he went so she can't stalk him.


Gray's P.O.V

Day 3. 7:46p.m. I think it's a Wednsday. Erza says we should get to the village around 10-11:00p.m. She said we're staying in the village's old mansion. Lucy says she read that the mansion is hunted by maids and butlers that never got paid by there master. That's just plain out creepy. Lucy ended up scaring Wendy. Honestly I think Lucy is being mean by even saying that out loud with a little girl with us. I am really bored. Flame brain is being really annoying. He keeps on saying he's tired and hungry and he wants to kick the Wyvern's butt.

" Ahhhhh! I WANT TO KICK SOME WYVERN BUTT NOWWWW!!! I'M ALL FIRED UP! COME AT ME YOU WANNABE DRAGON!!!" Natsu said shooting fire out of his mouth.

"Can you shut up for once you pyro!" I yelled. Jeez why does he have to be so loud, annoying, and obnoxious.


"OH YEAH THAN BRING IT ON NATSU!!" this time yelled louder. As soon as we were going to begin the fight Erza hit us both.

" Can you both shut up. Now lets keep on moving so we can get to the village early." she said and kept walking.

"Fine." Natsu and I said in unison.

(spongebob narrator voice)

-------------4 hours later-------------

Man it's almost about to be 12 and we're still walking. Happy said he knew the but he ended up getting us lost.

"Whst a waste of time tomcat you got us lost." Carla said sounding annoyed. I gotta say I agree with her. I also learned some thing new. Never trust a cat that's brain size is smaller than a peanut.

"Hey guys I think I found the village! Look over there!" Wendy said while moving some bushes and pointing yo a village with a few lights on.

We went to where the lights were. It ended up being the right village. The mayor greeted us and took us to the mansion. We all got ready to go to bed. I ended up looking around the library because I was bored. I found a book that had a droplet of water as a design on it. I look through the book. It's like a book about some family with the last name Hesenjefer. What really surprised me is that there was a girl that looked like Juvia a lot. Her name was Pani Hasenjeffer. Well after that mind blown I decided to go to sleep. Like around 3a.m I felt someone pulling my arm lightly. I heard a woman's voice say,

"Neve wake up. Please wake my love." I open my eyes a little and saw Juvia.

"Uh Juvia what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be in Magnolia right now and why'd you call me Neve?" I say.

"Huh... I'm not Juvia. My name's Pani Hesenjefer your wife and you're my husband Neve Hesenjefer" she answers.

"Ehhhhh!?!?!?! What that's impossible!" I say with my eyes wide open.

"My beloved why won't you remember me. Love me come here and give me a kiss on the lips and make 300 babies!" she says stretching her arms out.

" Huh?! What?! No way I'm out of here...this place is haunted!" With that said I ran out the mansion. I ended up sleeping outside in the garden of the mansion.

Natsu's P.O.V

HAHAHA! THAT WAS PRICELESS!!! He actually thought there was a Juvia look alike. I really owe one to Mira for showing me how to use take-over magic and Lucy for making a fake book. That's what he gets for being annoying!

---Thursday morning---

Gray's P.O.V

I am really tired and shock right now. What happened last night was creepy. I woke up and went back inside the mansion like a ninja to get breakfast.

"Oi Gray how was last night? Did you sleep well? Did you see the love of your life?" Natsu said.

"I slept perfectly fine. There was no problem." I answered. After I ate my breakfast I decided to visit the mayor to ask about the Hesenjefers.

"Sorry young man there has never been a family called the Hesenjefers in this town." the mayor said.

"Really are you sure. Well has there been anyone who lived here that looks like this." I showed him a picture of Juvia. Don't ask me where I got it that's sensitive information.

"Nope no one but that is a pretty young lady." the mayor said.

" Look I only asked you if there is anyone that looks like her around here not for you to check her out!!!" with that said I stormed out of the mayor's office. After that my teammates and I began the search for the Wyvern's den.


Well that was Gray's first night at the mansion. I wonder what happens next?

Anyways guys did you like this chapter? Sorry it was short and probably boring. But like. comnent. and share!

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