Illusions for Idiots

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Lol idk why I named the chapter like that but whatevs.



Gray's P.O.V

I wake up to Juvia next to me in bed. This is just so awkward like at first I was fighting a wyvern. A very pervy one too! And then I just blink and wake up next to Juvia. I see that she's asleep so I quickly get out of the bed and tip toe out of the room but I'm quickly pulled back by Juvia's soft hands. Her grip was hard.

" Where are you going Gray-sama? " she asks.

" I uh I-I was going to the bathroom" I reply frightened. She just nods and turns around. I enter the bathroom and I jump off the window. I need to get out of here was the only thing on my mind right now.

Bob's P.O.V

  The only reason Gray can't get out is because he doesn't know what he's missing. Like for example this girl named Juvia. He doesn't know that he cares a lot for her. The only way to get out of my illusion is by noticing what you're missing or by something attacking me from the illusion and by the outside.

Natsu's P.O.V

  "Where is that bastard of a wyvern!!! " I yell "I'll beat him to a bloody pulp!!!!"

Where is Everyone did they decide to ditch me or what? I'm searching everywhere to find them.

Gray's P.O.V

For some wierd reason I can hear the wyverns thoughts. I remember not along time ago Warren taught me how to use telepathy magic. All of all sudden I remember that Natsu is the only one that's not busy. So I'll try to use telepathy on him so he can make Erza snap out . I doubt it though he's got no brains.

Natsu's P.O.V

I am currently walking when all of a sudden I hear Gray's voice.

  " Natsu are you there? Can you hear me? Answer me!"

  "What are you doing in my head you ice princess!?"

  " Natsu I don't have time for this I need your help!"

"So you're admiting you're weak?....HAHAHA!"

  "No Natsu I need you to wake up Erza and beat the wyvern so I can get out of sone mess ."

"Alright fine but you owe me one once I save your puny ass from what ever you're doing!"

I start sniffing out Gray and Erza's scent so can find them. Luckily they weren't that far away from me. I see Erza and Gray on the ground and a Wyvern sleeping. I suddenly go to Erza and shank her.

"!!!!!!!!ERZA WAKE UP!!!!!!!!"

Shanking her doesn't work so plan B must do.


She suddenly comes to her senses.

  "Where's cake!?!?!?!?!?!?"

  "That Wyvern ate it, it also has Gray asleep."

"That Wyvern did what?!........ YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (•\皿/•)

*Epic Erza & Natsu vs. Bob the Wyvern battle*

Bob's P.O.V

Damn those kids are so freakin annoying. I grab them with my claws and throw them in my shit pit along with the other two cuties(Wendy & Lucy). Fine I'll leave this place but be warned i'll get my revenge some day.

Gray's P.O.V

I finnally wake up with manure all over my body. I see that Natsu has been caring me. HAHAHA. Maybe I'll fake that I'm still asleep until we get to Magnolia. Suddenly I'm flipped over.


  "Ugh fine flame for brains" I respond tiredly.


Natsu and I kept on fighting from that point on until Erza crashed our faces together (which made us kiss!Eww I'm so going to kick Natsu's ass.) as we got back to the village to pick up our reward. After that we took off to our 3 day walk back to Magnolia.


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WHO'S GOT THE HOTS FOR JUVIA!?: Juvia's section on Sorcerer Weekly

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