Come find me, when you wake up.

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I remember
At the table
All those faces
Where did they go
I imagined what it looks like
When I'm not there


When I woke up from the depressing slumber, I felt weight on the bed. How I knew I was on the bed, was because they mentioned in one of their conversation.

It wasn't long before I heard a baby cry. Oh a baby.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Stop crying, mommy's here."

Oh my god, he brought my baby. Weren't babies not allowed in hospitals?

"Come on Le, chill okay, we'll be going home soon. Just a couple of minutes." Jackan said to the baby,  picking her up.

I could no longer feel the weight on the bed. So I assumed he picked her up.

"She's been restless for a couple of days. I think she misses you. Yesterday I found her cuddled up with that teddy bear you bought her, when she was four months. She can't let go of that bear. I think it reminds her of you."

Oooohh. Why can't I just wake up. So I could hold my baby girl. I'd do anything to hold her, anything.

"It's okay, My angel. I know you miss her too. There's no need to be emotional about it."

How can I not be emotional about this. In case you forgot, I'm in a hospital bed.

I wanted to express my feelings but I knew it was hopeless.

All I did was lay there. It wasn't so difficult because that's what I've been doing for almost two months.

At least that's what I heard, that I've been in a coma for seven weeks.

Part of me was afraid I'd die without saying goodbye to my loved ones. Then again I might be dead right now.

It was very painful to hear people talk about you, to talk to you, without being able to respond.

It was very painful to hear someone cry for you, while you lay there unmoving.

Part of me wanted to scream on top of my lungs or rip this barrier that kept me from waking up.

If only I could do that.


Jackan's Pov

I wiped the tears that rolled down her face. She always do that. Cry to herself, even when she is on coma.

That's what keeps me strong. Because I know she is listening to me. Even if her body doesn't move, just any sign from her it's enough to prove she's making progress.

Whether by moving her fingers or squeezing my hand or the tears that always roll down her face whenever I'm talking to her.

Today I insisted on bringing Leona to the hospital. I know she misses her mom. She sometimes calls her when she's playing with her favourite teddy bear.

That always brought a smile to my face. I remember the first time I saw Leona's mom. It was not a cliché story people always read about in the books.

A CEO and an assistant, type of shit. It was more of a tall man and a shot woman type of thing.

Though I was a CEO--still am, of my own company. It wasn't that big tho. She was, no she is the owner of her own company too.

Back then I was working on a project, and we were doing a lot of charity to companies who help children with disabilities, children who are homeless, who were victims of children and women abuse and so on. And her company happened to be on that list.

"Jackan?" that ripped me from my train of thoughts.


"It's time to go, Leona is tired already."

Leona was fast asleep. I couldn't help but smile at her innocence. She sleeping next to her mother, arms wrapped around her favorite teddy bear. Soft breathe coming out her mouth.

"Okay." I said, stretching my arms. God I was tired. Between running a company and taking care of a nine month old baby-- almost, is very tiring.

I made my way to the the bed and kissed my fiance, yes we were engaged to get married.

"Come find me, when you wake up." I don't know why I said that, but I did.

I hired a nanny for Leona, as I am working a full time job.  Michaela would probably scream at me for hiring one.

She always insisted on doing everything herself. Even when she was tired. The idea of hiring a nanny wasn't sitting well with her.

She told me a whole lot of stories about nannies who do more harm than good, but I had to take my chances and hired Mavis.

I picked Leona up and walked out the door. Following Mavis to our family car.

Something was bound to happen, I can feel it. And whatever it was I didn't know whether it was good or bad.


Let's just hope something good will come out.


What I miss most by Calum Scott

Ciao. 😍

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