Upside down

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Happiness comes from within.


"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday day dear Leona. Happy Birthday to you."

"Hip hip."


We all sang for Leona. She blew her candle easily, giggling. Her cheeks a tint of red color.

She was one year today and we invited a couple of our close friends and colleagues and their children.

A party of a one year old. You couldn't tell because Jackan made sure to order the largest cake for a child, a few drinks for the adults, different types of snacks, and a whole lot of food that can feed the whole village. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but there was a whole of things I haven't tasted in my life.

I wonder what her party will be like when she turns eighteen.

I maneuvered around the room greeting and welcoming our guests. We hired jumping castles, and a whole lot of toys for children to play with while the adults just sitting and watching them or chattering away. 

I jumped slightly when someone cleared their throat at my back. I turned around slowly and regretting my decision when I was face to face with the one person in the world whom despise my entire being. Okay maybe that was a bit of a stretch but the guy doesn't like me, at all.

Mark stoop there, his nose scrunched up in distaste.

You might be asking yourself who mark was. And to clarify that for you. It was Jackan's father, a tall, sarcastic, handsome man with a mop of black hair and blue eyes. A replica of Jackan, except Jackan had dark brownish hair, tan skin. And he was a polite, honest, friendly man.

And I called my father-in-law handsome. Sue me. Not like I don't wake up next to a handsome hunk. Again sue me for bragging bout my husband.

"How lovely to meet you again, Miss..... " he paused looking me up and down like some piece of shit. "....Marble." saying my surname with disgust on his face.

I watched him carefully, a mocking smile made its way to my face and said "It's Mrs Parker in case you have memory loss. And it's a pleasure meeting you again, Mr Parker." with confidence.

He gritted his teeth and fist, his knuckles turning white.

"You will never be a Parker, you gold digging bi--.. "

"Is there a problem here?" Jackan cut his sentence, biting the inside of his mouth. He clearly heard our conversation, and damn he was angry. Even his blue eyes had somehow changed its colour. That only happens when his father is around. Which I always have to find a way to calm him down, I don't want a repeat of what happened in--

Not the time.

"Everything's fine baby. He was just leaving."

Mark left us and Jackan hugged me softly. His lips brushing against my neck. His hot breath tickling my exposed neck.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, now let's just celebrate our daughter's birthday and enjoy, okay."

"Ok." I can still see anger in his eyes, but I know he'll come around. He always does.

Time went by quickly and before I know it, it was already late in the afternoon. People started leaving already and I hugged and thanked each and every one of them. Making sure to give their children a small thank you gift for coming to the party.

Words cannot describe how tired I was. From cleaning everything else around the house, the empty bottles thrown down on the floor, empty plastic plates and other things.

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