"You are my baby"

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Where were you in the morning babe,


Two weeks later, I was discharged. I couldn't be happier. I still got a headache here and there. And some scratches around my body but I couldn't complain. All in all I was happy to be alive.

Worry crept in me as I stepped inside our house. Jackan was pushing me into a wheelchair, I took a deep breathe and prayed to god to give me strength, I needed it.

We made it through the front door, I noticed the living was decorated, a 'Welcome home' posters here and there.

I smiled widely.

And when I noticed a figure making its way out of what looked like a small bedroom door. My smile dropped.

"I didn't know you're into older women." I joked, but my attempted joke was taken seriously, obviously. Way too seriously.

"What?" Jackan frowned and asked with a serious tone. But as soon as Leona's voice echoed in the room, that frown was long gone.

Except the nagging feeling of jealousy that I felt at the pit of my stomach. I swallowed.

I couldn't be jealous of my own child now, could I?

"Hey baby." Jackan said to Leona, imitating a voice, that most people do, when they are talking to children.

"Here's Mommy, you missed her, right?"

Leona jumped excitedly, and chanted. 'Mommy'

My eyes teared at that, I missed my baby girl so much. And the fact that I was standing, no sitting right here in the living room, with my fiance and child made me wanna cry.

I wiped my tears away, hugging Leona with all my strength, like my life depended on her. Maybe It did. I owed her a mom. A mother. And I was willing to give her that.

Take care of my baby, with the help of Jackan, of course.

I wish my father could see this.

Not the time.

I blinked, eyes watering again for the millionth time. I cursed in my mind.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a crybaby." I apologized to Jackan. Holding his hand. He squeezed my hand, sending thousands of tickles through my body. I smiled.

"You are not a crybaby, you just been through a lot." he kissed my cheek softly and my heart ached.

We haven't kissed since I woke up from the coma, that was two weeks ago and I asked myself whether he still loved me or no-

"I love you." he breathed, was he a mind reader or something?

"I love you too," I confirmed, more to me than him. I was not sure whether I still felt the same or not, but there was reason for my doubts.

It's true when they said times like this usually get interrupted. That woman from earlier, approached us, where did she run to anyway? Who the hell is she? And why the hell is she in my house?

You should ask your fiance. My inner voice said. Rigggghhht.


"Before you throw all kinds of questions my way, I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner but please, baby I'm begging you we will argue bout that later. For now this is Mavis, Leona's nanny." he finished, raising an eyebrow when I didn't respond.

"Eh, aren't you gonna throw a tantrum about me hiring a nanny, behind your back?" he asked carefully. I just shrugged.

Didn't he ask me not to throw 'all kinds of questions' his way. Jeez.

He showed me our room, I was whining like a baby. Saying I needed my beauty sleep. To be honest I was tired, and I really, really needed a nap.

Jackan decided to join me after taking a long hot shower. It was times like this when I really needed my mother by my side.

So we wouldn't have to rely on a nanny to look after our baby.

I slept peacefully in the hands of my wonderful man.


I said it too quickly, by the time I woke up Jackan was nowhere to be found.

It was 10:25 at night, and I cursed under my breath at how slow I've become. I winced when my head hurt like shit.

"Ow." I complained to myself. And I cried out when I tried to move and my bad leg hurt like a bitch.

It was no longer bruised or anything, it's just sometimes when I tried moving it. It stung like hell.

I can walk with my crutches, but I prefer a wheelchair. I'm lazy like that.

I managed to stand with my other leg, and plunged myself on the wheelchair. I cursed under my breath for the millionth time as I brushed my bad leg on the damn wheelchair.


After taking deep breaths for about a minute or so, I pushed myself out of the bedroom.

Our bedroom was downstairs for now. It will be a struggle for me to go up and down the stairs with my stupid bad leg. So I, we were stuck downstairs.

I went to the fridge to look for something to eat, cause I was hungry. No luck.

I settled for a sandwich, four slices of bread, two slices of small side polony, and some milk. Typical.

Two mouthfuls at the time, and I was done. Something caught my eye though, and I almost yelped.

"Jesus, Jackan, what is wrong with you?" I clutched my chest, where I assumed my heart was and took deep shallow breaths.

"What are you doing in the dark?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

I didn't realize it was dark in here.

"Oh, I needed something to eat."

"Found it?"

"Yeah, I made myself some sandwich......You left." I said raising an eyebrow at him. That was pretty stupid of me considering it was dark in here.

"I was checking up on Leona and I fell asleep on the sofa. I'm sorry. Did you miss me? " taking my hand in his and kissing my cheek. Again.

"It was cold without you. Is she asleep now, I can go chec-"

"She's fine. And you are getting cold. So let's get you to bed."

"I'm not a baby." I argued.

"You are my baby." I smiled, this conversation was over.

I slept with one thing on my mind though.

What was the tiny thing that was on the corner of the room. Earlier I saw one in the kitchen too.



What was that?

I smell a rat.


Where were you in the morning by Shawn Mendes

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