I love you more.

1 0 0

When life start flashing like a photo booth. And the stars explode. I will be right there with you.


"No.....please....don't hurt her please." I cried heavily begging to whoever had Le. She was sleeping peacefully in the hands of a monster. Oh my baby.

He was wearing a balaclava, coward. He made his way to the exit, smiling like a damn creep he is.

I made a run to the door only for my body to be pulled harshly backwards. I could not ignore the stinging sensation shooting from my bruised hand.

I cried painfully trying to yank the cuffs from my hand. No use.

"Please....just take me instead I'm begging you." I panted heavily tears running down my face.

"Please I'll do anything, anything at all. Just don't take my baby, Please."

"Anything?" the creep asked, looking at me.

I nodded. I think I just made a deal with a devil himself. But I couldn't care right now.

"Leave my son alone, and if you don't I'm coming for you."

Wait what?

"I'm married to your son, you coward." I snapped still yanking the stupid cuffs.

"The choice is yours. My son or your daughter."

"No no noooo...."

"No,  Please...... Please.. No..." I cried, shaking heavily. Pool of tears running down my face.

I felt arms wrap around my body. Whispers in my ear but I continued crying and sniffling. Hands brushed up and down my back and I realised I must've had a very bad dream. Of course it was a bad dream.

"It's okay, it's okay baby. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

I kept on crying, hugging Jackan like my life depended on him. He kept brushing  my back and whispering encouraging words into my ear.

"I'm here okay." I nodded still hugging him. My head was pressed against his chest, feet entertwined with his. My whole body was still shaking, tears slowly fading due to Jackan cautiously wiping them.

He carefully lifted my body onto his level,--face to face-- and kissed me deeply. We kissed hungrily. Him constantly biting my lip and me opening my mouth to give him full excess.

He pulled back and my eyes snapped open, already missing his lips on mine. He looked me in the eye, almost as if asking for permission. My hands quickly went to hug his neck and I connected our lips again. We moved our lips in synch, tasting and devouring each other. 

He stopped again panting, lust clouding his eyes, I knew my eyes looked the same by the way he looked at me and bit his lip.

He kissed me gently and softly, deepening the kiss every once in a while.

"What. do. you. want." he asked carefully in between kisses. I continued to kiss him and for him to pull away completely. My breath hitched.

He flipped me to the side and pinned my body on the bed, holding my wrists on top of my head with both his hands and said "I asked you a question." trailing hot kisses down my exposed neck. The bad dream was long forgotten and so were the tears. I squirmed.

"You." he continued trailing hot kisses down from my ear, biting the earlobe and making me moan.

"Just me?" he asked, voice husky his hand trailing from my lip, to the stomach, down my thigh.  With each and every touch leaving fire on my body. I gulped.

"I want all of you." I breathed heavily, feeling his lips on mine once I said that. The kiss deepened, both of us moaning.

That night I made love to my husband after weeks of being out on a coma.

And I felt safer than anywhere I can ever imagine.

I was safe In my husband's arms.


You know as much as I believe in fairytales. My life wasn't based on that. And as much as I loved reading tons of books about 'happily ever after' stories, mine wasn't close to being one.

For instance, now when I woke up I found myself on the empty bed, cuddling with my favorite pillow.

Déjà vu.

I should've married the pillow instead, because every time I woke up I was cuddled up with the pillow instead of my husband.

Talk of husband, where's he by the way?

Our bedroom door opened, revealing the one and only guy I loved truly, balancing a tray full of food. OK now I'm in a 'happily ever after' Titanic. Okay maybe not Titanic because Jack died at end of the movie and My Jack was right here in this room. I smiled warmly. If that's even possible.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Breakfast in bedroom." he announced making his way to our bed. I smiled widely and replied "Good morning."

He kissed my lips gently and sat on the bed next to me. I sat up pushing the covers so I can get out of bed.

"Where are you going."


"What for?"

"What people do In the bathroom." he pursed his lips not satisfied with my answer.

"I'm gonna pee, brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. Satis?"


After doing what I said I'll do I made my way to the bed and sat down next to Jackan. He lifted my body easily and put me on his lap. Careful not to hurt my leg.

I don't know how he does that, I mean I weigh a lot. According to me and the scale, about 68 kg. That's a ton lot of weight.

But with his sexy arms and strong build, I guess it's easy for him.

We ate the food and engage in a conversation. I told him about my dream, explaining each and every detail. He listened carefully, asking questions were necessary and sometimes kissing my hand every once in a while.

We talked about a lot of things, how my business is doing since I left and he explained that the company is in good hands. I knew that already but it was just to confirm.

And he told me about his businesses, how they are doing and all that.

He laughed quietly when I joked, tilting his head and closing his eyes. I smiled gently, and kissed him lovingly.

I haven't realised how lucky I was until now. I didn't realise how much I missed Jackan until now. Spending time with my husband was something I loved even before the accident.

I was afraid of love when I met him. I was afraid of being vulnerable, of trusting someone with my life. I was afraid of falling in love with someone only for them to reject me. I was afraid of rejection.

Before I met Jackan I was lonely-(well I have a few friends)-afraid of falling in love, afraid of a lot of things. I didn't trust anyone. But right now, sitting on Jackan's lap, letting him feed me strawberries and kissing me softly. I'm not afraid anymore, I trust him wholeheartedly, I'm in love with him. And I know the feeling is mutual.

I might be a dark coloured woman and him a white man, but what I know is love doesn't have colour. Out of all the people in the world, he chose me. Not because of pity but because he loved me for who I am. And I loved him deeply.

"I love you, Jack."

"I love you more, Micha"


I've put his photo again. Sue me.

I'm so tired.

Come find me, When you wake up. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें