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"I love you no matter what, I just want you to be happy and always be who you are."


"Jackan?" I screamed on top of my lungs.

Please don't go. Please.

I cried, running after him. He was running so fast. Running away from me.

What have I done?

"Come find me, when you wake up."

"Wha-" before I could finish what I was about to say, he was long gone.

"Jackan, you can't leave me here, please!" I snapped.

"Come find me, when you wake up."

I was slowly running out of breath and my eyes were forcing to shut down.

"Please." I panted and forced my body to move. No luck.

I prayed and prayed, crying my lungs out, repeatedly begging for someone to help me, anyone.

I kept calling Jackan's name over and over again, it was the only name I can think of, the only person I can think about.

Sometimes during my pleas and struggle to find Jackan, or wake up, or something.

I finally forced my eyes to open, like really open. And when they did, I found myself staring at deep blue eyes.

The eyes that I'd always dream about. The eyes that, kept piercing through me.

I gulped, realisation struck me right there and then. I was finally awake.

I inhaled deeply, causing the owner of the eyes to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

"Jackan?" he jumped slightly, looking at me as if, he still didn't believe his eyes. As if I'd grown two heads. He rubbed his eyes and stared at me.

"Micha?" almost as a whisper, and my hand found his, It fit perfectly. Match made in heaven, or so I wished.

"You're awake?" he breathed again, kissing my cheek, and smiling.

A smile.

I attempted to smile, only to have a massive headache, I winced, and stopped trying. I only manage to awkwardly try to smile. I failed miserably.

Jackan chuckled.

"Take it easy, Micha."

I was about to ask why he called me Mi-

"Oh you finally decided to join us." the doctor said, smiling gently at me.

I didn't know how to respond to that. So I just kept my mouth shut.

They asked Jackan to step out so they can run some tests and bla bla bla. For which he insisted on staying (that's how stubborn he  is) but eventually he agreed and stepped out. Saying he's going to get some caffeine and make a call anyways.

I was glad he was gone. I don't know if I will feel comfortable, him watching them as they stab me with a needle, and pull a lot of blood. My blood. Grrr.

I hate those things.

I kept my eyes shut the whole time. I do not wanna witness that with my innocent eyes. Thank you.

As for my eyes, they are not so innocent at all, they've seen worse. Worse as in seeing a guy getting naked in front of you an-

Oh my god I can't believe I just did that. Bad, bad.

Come find me, When you wake up. Where stories live. Discover now