The Beginning

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Location: Watchtower

Date: 23.10.20XX


It was around 6 PM board time when Superman entered the Monitor Womb (Yes, it is really called that).

He was looking for Batman and since he wasn't in the Diner, he had to be here.

That's because Batman doesn't go anywhere else, if he is onboard of the Watch Tower that is.

The only reason he was searching for Batman in the first place was because he was bored.

He had no mission what so ever in the moment, the world was surprisingly calm today.

He was hoping that Batman would give him something to do.

While Superman was not the kind of person how liked to be commanded, the boredom made up for that.

The Man of Steel was right with his assumption.

Sitting infront of the many Monitors was the Batman looking over the Monitors which showed every corner of the Watch Tower and some other places around the world.

The doors on the Watch Tower were really loud so he was sure that the Dark Knight heard.

'No matter how loud the Door, he would have heard me anyway.' thought the Man of Steel.

Superman looked around to see if anyone else is in the room.

Seeing that two to of them were alone he settled with a more personal greeting.

"Hey Bruce."

Batman didn't turn around but still answered. "Hello Clark."

"So how are you holding up in here? Anything interresting on the Monitors?" Superman asked while leaning onto Batman's Chair.

"I'm fine and no, there is nothing interresting on the Monitors. Everything is calm, too calm if you ask me." the billionaire answered.

There was a short silence, Superman used the time to look over the Monitors. All of a sudden he found something to tease the Batman with.

"Are you sure there is nothing interresting? Nothing at all?" he asked, smirking the entire time.

Batman could basically fell Clark's smirk and was alerted. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the Monitor up there." Superman answered still smirking and pointed at a monitor at the top left.

Batman had a guess what Superman was talking about and was proven right when he looked up to the Monitor and saw Diana a.k.a Wonder Woman training in the gym room.

"Very funny Clark, very funny."

Superman thought that he teased Batman enough and dropped it.

"Ok all jokes aside is there really nothing interresting on the Monitors?"

"I already told you there is nothing of interrest going on right now. I also doubt there will be anything anytime soon." Batman answered and for the first time in their conversation turned around and looked at Superman.

The Man of Steel let out a loud sigh and much to Batman's displeasure, rested his arms and head on the head of Batman's chair.

"Well that sucks. I'm totally bored." Superman said while once again letting out a sigh.

"Stop crying. Why don't you go and..." Batman didn't got to finish, because on one of the Monitors a flashing light appeared and a small warning sound went off.

Batman immediately turned around without finishing his sentence.

"What is it?" Clark asked now alerted.

"There is a strong energy signature around 31 miles from here. It is getting stronger while we speak."

'Finally something interesting' thought the Kryptonian.

"I'm going to take look at it." Superman said as he ran towards the door.

In what seemed like a flash the Man of Steel was out of the room.

After the door closed itself, Batman turned back to the Monitor showing the energy signature. He immediately started to analyse the strange energy signature.

Superman was on his way down the hall, the Watch Tower was a massive structure. It took awhile to get from A to B, even for the Krytonian.

Suddenly someone called him on his communicator, Superman already knew who it was.

"Clark, you hear me?" Batman said through his communicator. "Yes i do. I'm almost at the air lock." Superman answered.

"Be careful out there. This purple energy is completely foreign to me. It also doesn't fit any record we already have."

"Anything specific you can tell me about it?" Clark asked.

"Nothing at all. To be fair, the energy signature does not make sense in general." Bruce answered.

"Oh? How so?" Superman asked.

"It seems to be pulling something something from in between the dimensions. Assuming that it is a portal, the Object does not travel through space, but between the dimensions. I'm worried what might come out if. Be careful." Batman explained with worry noticeable in his voice.

"Don't worry Bruce. i will be fine." Superman answered in a happy voice trying to cheer Btman up. Moments later he was out of the air lock and flying towards the energy signature.

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