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"Holy fuck I forgot we have school tomorrow," Natalie gasps with wide eyes. The entire group was standing outside, waiting for the uber Christina called for her, Gabbie, Corbyn, and Jack.

"Ha, that sucks," Belle giggles, not even looking up from her phone screen.

"You have school too, Belle," Megan shoots back with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah an online school that I can do at any time," Belle responds, turning her phone off and putting it into her back pocket.

"Petition for Meg and I to go to an online school?" Natalie jokes, leaning back against Belle's car.

"If you did that you could come on tour with us," Daniel pipes in with a smile.

"That is true," Megan mumbles in thought. "Wait, why am I seriously considering this?"

"Because you want to do it," Corbyn replies.

"You should do it, my school is only taking more students for this semester till Friday," Belle informs her best friends.

"I feel as though you've never met my mom Belle," Natalie laughs while scrolling through her contacts for her mom's number. "I'm still gonna ask but I don't think it's gonna work." As she finishes her sentence, a small white car pulls up behind the group.

"That's us. We'll see you guys tomorrow?" Christina questions hopefully. The girls nod and quickly give the four hugs. "We'll see you three back at the hotel later." And with that, the four pile into the uber and drive off.

"Alright, I'll drive you guys home now," Belle sighs, unlocking her mom's car. They jump into the car in the same seats as last time and Belle quickly turns the heat on. "What hotel are you staying at?"

"We're actually staying at a hotel that's not in Boston," Daniel responds, trying to think of the name of the hotel. Belle pulls off of the curb and waits for some directions.

"It's the Hyatt in some small town that's like 20 minutes from here I think," Jonah mumbles while trying to find the address. Belle looks in the mirror at the girls and they both laugh. The boys stop what they're doing and look at them confused.

"What?" Zach utters, confused as hell.

"We know exactly where you're staying," Megan giggles, trying to calm down.

"We live in that town," Natalie says while trying to stifle her laughter.

"Oh," Daniel mumbles, "But why is that funny?"

"I think we are just tired and find that hilarious for no reason," Belle answers while navigating her way through the streets of Boston. "Anyways, are you two gonna seriously ask to switch to online school just to go on tour with these losers?"

"HEY," The boys shout in sync.

"Yes because if we go, your mom will force you to go to," Natalie giggles.

"Unfortunately that is very true," Belle sighs while getting onto the highway.

"Hold on, I'm gonna call my mom and put her on speaker," Natalie mumbles, clicking on her mom's contact. The phone rings a total of two times before Monica answers.


"MOM!" Natalie shouts. "SERIOUS QUESTION."

"Okay," Monica sighs hesitantly.

"So did Marie or Lisa tell you what happened at the concert?" Natalie questions, twirling her hair around her ring finger.

"Yeah, you found your soulmate, well all of you found your soulmates," Monica answers immediately. "I'm assuming I'm on speaker phone so congrats Belle and Meg."

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