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The ringing of her phone wakes Belle from her deep slumber. She squints her eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright light. Her attention zeros in on the device that woke her. An unknown number flashes across the screen. Sighing, she accepts the call.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" She greets the person. Immediately, a familiar laugh sounds through.

"Good morning to you too sunshine," Zach chuckles. "Not a morning person?"

"Why do you think I do an online school?" She jokes, turning over to face her ceiling. "What do you want from me?"

"Get up and come pick me up. Nat and Meg are already at the hotel with us," He says causing Belle's brows to furrow.

"What time is it?" She groans while getting up. She grabs a pair of black high waisted jeans.

"9:30," Zach answers.

"Alright, what the fuck?" She mumbles with a roll of her eyes. "I'll be there in like 15 minutes."

"Okay, great see you then!" Zach cheers before Belle hangs up the call. She throws the jeans on before searching for a random shirt to put on. She throws on a crop top that has lemons on it. Looking in the mirror she cringes before brushing out her hair that's mostly still straight. She runs into the bathroom and brushes her teeth.

"Mom, can I take the car?" She shouts while putting in her contacts. She puts some hoop earrings on as well.

"Yeah!" Her mom replies, throwing the keys to her as she exits the bathroom. Belle nods before grabbing her phone and wallet. She throws on her vans and runs to the car. She's quick to pull out and makes the short drive to the hotel. She parks and hops out, locking the car after. She dials Zach's number while walking into the building.

"Hello?" He greets.

"Hi, I'm here," She tells him while awkwardly standing in the lobby.

"We're on our way down," He says before hanging up. Belle shuffles her feet, looking around the lobby awkwardly. She gets a few stares but she chooses to ignore them. Suddenly, she's on the ground, Megan on top of her.

"Meg for the love of god get off of me," She groans, pushing the girl off of her. Megan falls back with a pout. Jonah reaches down and helps Megan up with a chuckle. Zach does the same with Belle. "Alright why am I awake and here and why are you two not at school?"

"We are now enrolled in an online school," Natalie exclaims while doing jazz hands. Belle closes her eyes tightly. Of course, they got permission. Now she really doesn't have a way out of going on tour.

"Alright and this news couldn't wait?" She asks.

"Well we wanted to go out for breakfast so we thought we'd invite Zach's biggest fan," Jonah jokes. Belle is quick to hit him hard on the back of his head at the remark.

"Call me that again and you won't live to see 21," She warns the boy who laughs. She raises a brow and he stops. "IHOP?" This earns cheers from the group. "I have to drive don't I?"

"Unless you want me to," Zach responds with a grin. Belle's eyes widen and she furiously shakes her head.

"Absolutely not," She says before walking out of the hotel.

"GOOD CALL BELLE!" Jonah shouts, earning a thumbs up from the girl in question. Natalie and Megan look confused as to why Zach couldn't drive them.

"He's a terrible driver," Daniel answers the unasked question. Natalie nods her head slowly.

"It's not like Belle's any better," Megan shrugs with a grin.

"Do you want to walk to IHOP Meg?" Belle questions as they reach her mom's car.

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