Chapter 2

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-Raf's pov-
I smiled and said, "Jack, Miko meet my awesome godmother Maddison McCree and Maddison meet Jack and Miko my best friends." She greeted them but her phone went off and she looked at the caller and she sighed and said, "I have to take this kiddo it the boss." I told her it was ok and she got up and talk to her boss but Jack told me we needed to go to base because Fowler had some people coming to help or protect us.

-Maddison's pov-
I hung up with Morrison and sighed but I walked over to Raf and said, "Raf I gotta get you home kid my boss assigned me to a mission." He told me Miko offered to take him home and I smiled but I got on one knee and said, "I promise yah this when I get back we will hang out and you can invite your friends to tag along. I'm sorry I have to leave when I just got here." Raf told me it was alright and hugged me but I ruffled his head and placed my dog tags around his neck and said, "Hold these till I come back ok."

-Miko's pov-
We arrive to base and I asked if the baby sitters arrived yet but Optimus told us not yet, I sighed and sat on the couch when Fowler came down and said, "Kids you are in a world of trouble if you make them made their commander told me they are his top solider." I sighed and groaned because this person was going to be like doc bot but the elevator door open and I closed my eyes and said, "Great the baby sister is here." But we heard a female chuckle along with boots hitting the stone ground along with a jingle, Raf chuckled but we heard, "AW I'm hurt kid you just meet me today and you already think I'm boring."

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